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Polluted Air can be used for generating power with making a simple device

Polluted air transformed to power

chemicals to Power Polluted Air has been under research,Researchers from the University of Antwerp and KU Leuven (University of Leuven), Belgium, have developed a process that purifies air, and at the same time, generates power. The device must only be exposed to light in order to function. “We used a small device with two rooms separated by a membrane,” explained …

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Hacking- The U.S Air Force launches bug bounty program To pay hackers who can detect bugs on their Firewall and Hack Them

Hacking making money as usa government places bounty

Hacking With the growing number of data breaches and cyber attacks, a significant number of companies and organizations have started Bug Bounty programs for encouraging hackers and bug hunters to find and responsibly report vulnerabilities in their services and get rewarded. Hacking Now, following the success of the “Hack the Pentagon” and “Hack the Army” initiatives, the United States Department …

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Android Malware infected 2 Million Google Play Store Users In fake companion Guide Apps for popular Games and APPS

Android malware is infected

Android users who have mistakenly downloaded and installed malware on their devices straight from Google Play Store has reached 2 Million. Android users of about 2 million have fallen victim to malware hidden in over 40 fake companion guide apps for popular mobile games, such as Pokémon Go and FIFA Mobile, on the official Google Play Store, according to security …

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Amazon plan to dominate the shipping industry-with almost no humans involved-z

Amazon Said to improve delivery by using robots for better consumer consumption

Amazon is exploring what role autonomous-vehicle technology could have in its business, the Wall Street Journal reported today (paywall). Amazon research is still in an early, exploratory phase, the Journal said, but hints at a larger plan of Amazon and its CEO Jeff Bezos: to own the delivery and logistics chain for its packages, and make it as efficient as …

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