Hello Everyone, Today am going to teach you How To Hack a Whatsapp Group And Become Admin.This Tricks Based On Some Binary Numbers.By Using This Trick You Can Spoof Your Mobile Number With Whatsapp Group Admin’s Number. If You Are Familiar With Binary Numbers Then You Will Find This Trick Very Easy.
Whatsapp Is an official messaging app, it is used to message people all over and across the world. WhatsApp has made the platform more secured in other for people to use their app. WhatsApp has their terms/condition, privacy policy e.t.c, for you as a person using Whatsapp app ypu need to go through all terms/condition and so on. WhatsApp has made the platform more fun in Other for them to grant people ascess to easily create WhatsApp Groups..Just Add Your Friends And Start Conversation With Each Other At The Same Time.
You might be added to a WhatsApp group and you are not an admin of the group then you want to be admin of that group for a purpose and non of the admin has agreed to make you one of the admin, then you want to be an admin without any of the admin adding you to a group.[How can you do that?]. So today am going to teach you how to hack a WhatsApp group and be the admin of the group.
How to hack a WhatsApp group and be the admin of the group
Our Nigerian Numbers Are In 11 Digit.And The Format Of Our Numbers Are Like This.
AB – Access Code
XYZ – MSC Code (Mobile Switching Center)
OOOOO – Subscriber Numer
You Can Easily Identify The Mobile Operator From Starting 4 Digit Of Mobile Number.
Note Down The Binary Conversation Number
0 – 0 0 0 0
1 – 0-0-0-1
2 – 0-0-1-0
3 – 0-0-1-1
4 – 0-1-0-0
5 – 0-1-0-1
6 – 0-1-1-0
7 – 0-1-1-1
8 – 1-0-0-0
9 – 1-0-0-1
Steps To Follow :-
> Copy Admin’s Mobile Number And Convert With Binary Numbers.
Example – 816000000000 – 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> Now Create A Message With Binary Conversation – “cng=true?=[admin’s number in binary]! [Your Number]&findchache.mnc.id=[802]ste5%Set.content?/ rfd=gv”
>Now Send The Message In the Group Then Uninstall your Whatsapp.
>Now Again Reinstall It.
Boom! Automatically You Are now the Admin Of the Group.
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