Settings for Digicel free browsing
Working Settings for Digicel free internet
So I here is a working cheat I found the latest settings for “Tweakwear” which Digicel has blocked, but it runs a bit slow now, only on 2mb/s. If you do not like Tweakware, you can always use “Pisphion” which is another app just like Tweakware Vpn, but Psiphon is more advance and your isp which is Digicel can’t really detect it.

Settings for Digicel free browsing
If Digicel does block the use of any VPN, you can just use OPEN VPN to bypass the blocks etc.. all of these apps can be download from the play store, message me if anyone wants the settings
Here are the Settings for Digicel
Connection Mode- HTTP
Host header — ht1p://digicelid.digice|group.com
Header |ine— single line
Reverse proxy – enabled
Proxy port – 0
Access Everything on the Open Internet with Psiphon
Millions of people in over 200 countries around the planet are already connecting to the Internet using Psiphon, the most robust circumvention tool on the web. Psiphon facilitates access to websites and services which are censored, blocked, or otherwise unavailable, no matter where you are in the world. Whether you can’t access your favorite news broadcast today, or want to provide an extra layer of protection when using public wifi services, Psiphon is the best tool for accessing the open Internet.
Features: Settings for Digicel free browsing
• Free for personal use.
• Easy to download and install. No registration, subscription, or configuration required.
• Automatic selection of protocols to provide effective, reliable circumvention every time.
• View how much traffic you have used with inapp stats tracking.
IMPORTANT: Tweakware v6.4 Released.
Working #etisalat0.0k
Settings for Digicel free browsing Tweakware VPN is a tunneling software that can securely anonymize your internet activity by encrypting all your Internet traffic. It can let you access websites and or contents/services that are restricted or blocked by your ISP. e.g Youtube, Hulu , Facebook, Twitter etc
The Internet is like the “wild-west” and because of that nobody wants his/her internet activity to be sniffed on and tracked. Tweakware VPN will secure and encrypt your connection especially if you use public access internets such as Wifi, Hotel, Airports and other establishments. Using Tweakware VPN will make it impossible for anyone to figure out what data/info you are accessing on the internet.
About DigcelGroup
Digicel is a complete communications provider offering customers affordable and innovative mobile services, enterprise solutions and cloud computing. We invest in networks to enhance the user experience and provide close to 100% coverage to local and rural residents as well as business operations.
Digicel firmly believes that anything and everything is possible. We are deeply connected to our customers and committed to making their future brighter. As active participants in the communities in which we operate, Digicel is dedicated to giving back across all of its 33 markets in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia Pacific. Through a variety of community-based initiatives, sports & entertainment sponsorships and Foundations in Jamaica, Haiti, Papua New Guinea and Trinidad and Tobago, we strive to have a positive impact on the lives of all of our customers. Our vision is that as we grow our communities will grow with us.
Digicel Fast facts:
Launch Date: April 2001
Customers: 14 Million
Employees: 6,000
Retail Stores: Over 1,000
Investment: Over US$5 Billion
Hi i recently read in a fb group that to get unlimited data connection one has to edit/change the APN to a certain address in order to connect currently we are using one that has 100mb daily data which renews at 12am every midnight.. So if u could help me figure it out what apn that is..
Ok I will work on that
Hi, I would like how to get free internet using pesiphon on digicel PNG (Papua New Guinea)
Ok we would try our best
I think information is suppose to be free and available and not limited or restricted,it suppresses development and self knowlegde.Internet is a vital means of information tool.Keep it up Applygist!
Please provide as much trick or cheats for the country PNG for its networks digicel or VodafoneBemobile or Telikom PNG.They are really draining peoples money on internet usage.We want more free internet!Thanks
Can I have the password for xp psiphon config pngitfs? Email it to my email addresss valentinemicks@gmail.com
that’s any settings for free internet in digicel png,i was using tweakware which is already blocked by digicel,thats any other settings for 2018 thanks..
please digicel PNG block all free internet service in PNG can u sent me settings for tweakware it’s good VPN service…
What do ou need then?
please update latest trick in digicelgroup PNG tweakware thanks.
Is there yet any options & possibilities to getting free internet??Any particular App or APN settings of some sort??
Is there an equivalent host header for Digicelid.digicelgroup.com to be used on Stark VPN?
Yea a really need some free internet cant by data plan
please..i need free internet settings for digicel png..can u help me..?please
can you send me the settings for openvpn for digicel papua new guinea
please I need proxy and port configuration for Psiphon..please help me ..
Can you send me VPN settings
Are you Kidding dude/
How can I use openvpn to bypass blocked vpns?
How to get free internet in Jamaica please help me
How to know if host eg;digicelid.digicelgroup.com is block by isp.
Bro is there any latest free proxies and APN to try for Digicelpng?
Yes I am working on it
Can you please help me with Digicel PNG free internet settings?
Please I need it.
Ok I will work On that I require your Patience
Please help me with free internet setting for digicel png. (Papua New Guinea)
We will do our Best sir
Thank you very much..
ok no problem
is there any app that i can use on a iphone to bypass digicel ?
No let me get that soon
could you email me the settings for open vpn at king300016@yahoo.com i had figured out how to get it to work for iphone using hotspot shield but digicel blocked that in guyana
I have that one on the screen shot but it not working in Trinidad
ok bro
Like to get the new settings
please can you sent me all of your settings from Digicel PNG ,please I really need.. thanks
You get the new settings
Yes I will resume soon
I try that settings and it not working digicel block it.
Like to get the psiphon settings for digicel
Here is the article https://applygist.com/2017/06/settings-for-digicel-free-browsing.html
Hope it works
yes try it get back to Us
Kindly Use the settings I sent its for Jamica Alone
What is the settings for digicel Jamaica and what app to use
Is this digicel a network or can it work on all sims cards
Only Digicel but rey for others it will work using another proxy url
Can I get the new internet free setting for digicel an tweakware an psihon please
I have not worked on that yet, kindly check back soon,
How to get free internet in Jamaica please help me