N-Power Build Portal Open November 5th 2018
We are pleased to announce that the N-Power Build Portal will be open for new applications between November 5th – 16th, 2018.

Training for N-Power Tech Hardware will commence on the 29th of October, 2018.
Are you ready?

Applicants can apply for any of the 7 trades listed. Please stay tuned to our channels for updates.
Hi there, Kindly log on to write your assessment test for N-Power Creative if you received an SMS from us. #NPowerNG
assessment test for N-Power Creative

REMINDER: N-Power is a programme designed and implemented by President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration.
It is NOT like any programme preceding it.
Presently taking charge.
Teaching in GGSS Lemu, Gbako Local Government of Niger State.
Npower is one of the best programs a government had invested on.
No SANE person can rubbish the excellent scheme @npower_ng has become.
Someone somewhere in Nigeria knows someone who is enrolled in the scheme.
I know two family members who are gainfully employed.
Great Stuff. No Scandals. Kudos to @MBuhari. #NPowerWhatisHappening
Npower is the best program that have benefited Nigerian youths in last 16 years.
Kudos to PMB.
I am a proud beneficiary of @npower_ng, its an unprecedented scheme by @MBuhari’s administration #NPowerWhatisHappening
@npower_ng please clarify this… If @MBuhari loses the 2019 general election and @atiku gets elected what would happen to the NPower initiative? Would it be scraped or would there be continuity?
#NPowerWhatisHappening From an Entrepreneur Business Management Grad to an Agricultural Extension Advisor sweet transition and loving it whole hearted cos I pride in it and glad I can impact farmers to better crop yield imagine the joy on there faces. Thanks @npower_ng
I am a beneficiary of Npower 2016 with a preloaded Samsung tab to enhance my job and develop myself for the challenges ahead
This year, N-Power has onboarded 300,000 beneficiaries in the Teach, Health and Agro sectors.
This is not all, there are others who have been enrolled to be trained as service professionals in the Build and Tech components.
Well Npower program is real and not a scam some people think that the program was not real and even if it is real, the program is not going to succeed, well N power is real and the program is a success to all the beneficiaries out there. Keep it up N power
In 2016, N-Power enrolled 200,000 Beneficiaries in the 774 Local Government Areas across Nigeria.
A device pre-loaded with over 1 million resources from Learn Africa, Google, Microsoft etc was given to them a few months later.
Since quite a number of people would like to know what know what is happening with N-Power, we suppose this is a good time as any to educate them.
Good morning our dear beneficiaries, some people would like to know what is happening in N-Power.
If you could please use #NPowerWhatisHappening to narrate your stories, we suppose we could educate them.
N-Power Tech Hardware is commencing today in Owerri and Minna.
Who is excited?

Good morning, you will recollect that we shared some information on the status of payments for 2017 beneficiaries.
However, for some of the beneficiaries who still see the “onboarded” icon on their portal, it is possible that your state is yet to send your deployment schedule.

If you are in Abuja, please tune in to Human Rights Radio and listen to Afolabi Imoukhuede and @IsmaeelAhmedB discuss the N-Power programme and other Social Investment Programmes.
To our 2016 Beneficiaries who have been anxious, we are excited to share some news with you.
We won’t put you out in the cold. We have got you now and always.
Stay tuned to our channels.
Thanks N-power. Got my August and September stipends. So happy.

ENHANCING Z.i=o”’wnt
our dear N—Powerfc1mily,
We dre dll inspired just looking dt the past several months. Mony doubted that it wds
possible to organise half :1 million young people together for the collective good of our
communities and our country But you have disproved this. You took on unmanned
classrooms, giving hope to many young children Despite barriers, you persuaded our
people about the benefits of immunisation and helped organise records at our health
centres. Vou advised farmers on how to improve their crop yields and boost domestic
production. Vou did this hard work while also improving your skills and learning new things
that were provisioned in your devices and during the course of your dayrtcrddy activities.
We am grateful for your work across the length and breadth of the 774 Local Government
areds in Nigeria. We are also inspired that there is indeed great hope in Nigerids youth. But
we dlso recognise thdt this is but a beginning ond you all ospire to attain your dreams of 0
much ENHANCED FUTURE. Indeed your dreams for d bigger and greater contribution to
ENHANCE yourselves and your families lie at the heart of the next BIG PLAN for our 2076
N- Power Beneficiaries
2016 Beneficiaries will proceed into an enhdncement programme as you continue to give of
your service and earn your monthly stipends.
The details of N-Power ENHANCE will glodden your hearts ds it indeed gladderls ours. A
muiti-sector, rnulti-layered and multi-pronged plan will indeed onswerall the questions that
you have had over the post few months obout what the future holds. Indeed, the future is
bright. The future in ENHANCED!
Update on payments for 2017 Beneficiaries as at Wednesday, October 17th, 2018.

Here are the steps to payment for 2017 Beneficiaries.