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March, 2019

  • 30 March

    Chuwi Powerful Performance PC Laptops and Tablets 30% Discount

    CHUWI HeroBook 14.1 Inch Laptop Windows 10

    Chuwi Powerful Performance PC Laptops and Tablets Chuwi Laptop and Tablet Devices selling very well at 30% Discount Here is a quick review for anyone considering purchasing a Laptop or PC Tablet withing this season. Highly recommended as Chuwi has introduced very high-quality devices into the market of recent. CHUWI HI9 PLUS First, on our list, today is the Chuwi …

  • 25 March

    Congratulations Winners 2019 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur

    Congratulations Winners 2019 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneur Dear Entrepreneur, Have you seen the list of the selected Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs for the 5th cycle of the Entrepreneurship Programme. Scroll down to see the listor click the PDF file link below to download the list and view on PDF reader. PDF LIST OF WINNERS ( CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD) TEF_1000_NAMES_2019_TEF_Partners_1_.01 Nigerian List …

  • 8 March

    Chocolate can make you work more efficiently?


    Chocolate can make you work more efficiently? Is Chocolate Healthy? Chocolate is one of the favourite sweets for many of us, but its calorific value makes most of us cautiously give ourselves to this pleasure. However, there are increasing voices that eating a chocolate truffle can have a positive impact on human health and especially the brain. How does chocolate …

  • 7 March

    The king of MWC 2019 can only be one

    MWC 2019

    The king of MWC 2019 can only be one   You can probably guess what new device I’m talking about. Yes, exactly, about the new Huawei Mate X. The first foldable smartphone of this brand undoubtedly was the biggest hit of MWC 2019. Although a few hours before its official premiere someone leaked the photos and everyone could see it …

February, 2019

  • 4 February

    100% work proxy and mirror site for thepiratebays torrent

    Pirate Bay Proxy 2019

    100% work proxy and mirror site for thepiratebays torrent Hello guys, recently I wrote a review on 2019 Pirate Bay Proxy – PirateBay Unblocked & TPB Mirror Sites List. If you may love to read that out to understand about what we are reviewing today which is Pirate Bay Proxy | 20+ Fast and Reliable Mirror sites to Unblock TPB. …

January, 2019

  • 23 January

    What does catnip do to cats?

    What does catnip do to cats?

    What does catnip do to cats? We already know that cats are the nicest animals on earth, but how extensive is our knowledge about these animals? Do you have a cat? Or maybe you are a more dog-friendly person? There is still a grey area in between, but what if you really had to choose? Many dog lovers consider cats …

  • 10 January

    Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 review

    Unboxing the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3

    Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 review Introduction  review Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 There was a time the edge-to-edge screen was not too common, and manufacturers only send it across once in a while. However, it has become a necessary feature for any flagship smartphone today. Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 review: What’s old is new again Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 review Actually, …

  • 8 January

    KPN REV 0.0k Config File Jan 2019

    New KPN Tunnel Revolution File and Settings MTN 0.0k Config applygist.ccom

    KPN REV 0.0k Config File Jan 2019 KPN REV 0.0k Config File 🔥🔥 Capped At [50MB] ⚠️⚠️ 🔰 For All Android Phones 🔰 For MTN 0.0k 🔰 Very fast 🔰 Valid until 13-Jan-2019   KPN REV 0.0k Config File Capped At 50MB Valid until Jan 13 2019   New KPN Tunnel Revolution File and Settings MTN 0.0k Config Applygist.com got you …

December, 2018

  • 22 December

    Subscription GLO N200 Plan Of 1.2GB to 14 Days

    Hottest Glo Data Plans January 2017

    How To Extend Your Special #200 GLO Subscription Plan Of 1.2GB to 14 Days. Subscription GLO N200 Plan Of 1.2GB to 14 Days First, migrate to GLO JUMBO *224#, and recharge #200 u will receive 1000 Naira Bonus for calls & 100mb data then buy the #200 special plan with *777# then press 1 > press 1 > press 5 …

  • 12 December

    Top 4 best apps for budget management

    Top 4 best apps for budget management

    Top 4 best apps for budget management I will bet that each one of you has the same problem. There are simply days, or even weeks, when we forget to spend the money wisely and just lose control of the budget. I experience this during my holidays. When I come back, I am afraid to count the costs, because I …

  • 7 December

    Bitcoin Games & New Technologies

    Bitcoin Games & New Technologies

    The emergence of Bitcoin as digital currency has pushed many online casinos to adapt to this new currency. Bitcoin is now used in these online casinos, and players have started to appreciate it very quickly. In addition, Bitcoin is convenient and very easy to use: you just have to trade your money for Bitcoins, which you can then use to …

November, 2018

  • 29 November

    CAMON 11 Pro 24MP Camera Phone


    CAMON 11 Pro 24MP Camera Phone AI Selfie-Capture A Clear You CAMON 11 Pro Applygist.com cam accross the CAMON 11 Pro and discovered these amazing features on the AI Camera technology smart phone, it is equiped with a 24MP front camera, and this happen to be the updating TECNO camera phones to a new generation. CAMON 11 Pro uses AI …

  • 14 November

    Google Adblock Reports Update

    Google Adblock Reports Update

      This week Google announced that starting next month they are going to expend their adblocking campaign and block even more ads – https://blog.chromium.org/2018/11/further-protections-from-harmful-ad.html?m=1 As a network that’s working with over 10,000 publishers, we have very interesting insights about what’s going on in the industry around the world. Many of our publishers are reporting that in the past year Google approached …

October, 2018

  • 30 October

    Why Samsung Should Be Scared Of This Year’s iPhones?


    Why Samsung Should Be Scared Of This Year’s iPhones? This year’s iPhones come with the most revolutionary features – Artificial Intelligence to the core of the device range The way for supremacy in the smartphone world continues – with the most significant activity being undertaken between Samsung and Apple – most recently, with the launch of the latest iPhones – …

  • 30 October

    Paystack Africa launching Ghana

    Paystack Ghana applygist.com

    Paystack Africa launching Ghana Hi Pay, Paystack is launching across Africa, and their first stop will be Ghana! As we all Know that Paystack is an online payment platform where online businesse can accept payment eaily using the Paystack interface. It will allow consumers to pay for goods and services, while the business owners will be able to accept payment …