How to start a blog best WebHost
A Blogger once asked a question on an Online Forum, this prompted me to write this quick review and recommend FROM$2.95/MoEXCL. VATREGULAR PRICE $9.95/Mo SITEGROUND For any one who wants to create a new Blog or wants to use Hosted platform.
In this tutorial we hope to cover = the best blog hosting sites for making money, best blog hosting sites 2017, free blog hosting with own domain, free blog hosting sites, best free blogging platform, applygist.com web-hosting review, WordPress blog hosting, best web hosting site for blog, how to find a host for a blog

What is Web Hosting?
I am not a Blogger Geek, but I have 5 years of experience blogging. When you hear the terms web hosting, it simply refers to a place where everything you want to blog about is stored on. Understand Blogging terms this way, Webshosting or A Webhost like Siteground. The internet is like a house with many rooms, the truth is that you cannot access any place inside a house without going through a door or an opening, so also, you cannot build a house without a land.
So web hosting is like a house, where you need Land to build, and after building each room has a door, and inside every room, we have things stored inside them.
How to start a blog best WebHost
To start a blog, WebHost companies have big Machines like Refrigerators kept somewhere, these big machines are called Servers, Servers are storage facilities which store every information website owners make available to the public. How to start a blog best WebHost
So now as I explained, Web hosting is like a house, built on land, with rooms where things are stored, some rooms could be open and accessible to anyone while some are locked.
Once you say you want to start Blogging, the first place you run to is
popular web hosting platforms are Blogger, WordPress, Joomla [ These are the most popular there are so many others ]
2. These platforms have the free version and paid versions.
Blogger is Free, WordPress is free and PAID
Let’s Look at Starting a Blog on Blogger – Read
If you Choose blogger, How to start a blog best WebHost all your data will be saved on Google servers, where you don’t have access to Cpanel only Blogger Dashboard. Probably you can still call it your Control Panel. But on blogger, you are limited to what you can do. However hosting its free, probably all you need I to buy Domain, Link it to your Blogg and you will have a .com website running Live on Blogger platform. remember I said Blogging Platform is like the Land in which you build your house, so it is as long as creating a website is concerned. and the main platforms are Blogger and WordPress. Check APPLYGIST ALEXARANK
Here, to use a WordPress platform, you need an Estate agent, In blogging the Estate agent before you build your house called WebHost. Here, Webhost are companies who store your data and files on Storage facilities called servers. So everything all depends on your pocket. We recommend Siteground, you will see the reason at the end of this article.
Once you pick a WebHost, they will stall WordPress. I want to clarify something here. WordPress is not a WebHost directly, except you prefer them to get you one of their partners. WordPress is simply a type of Blogging platform, a type of building where you build your website the way you want, WordPress is just like a construction company, who will give your website any look you want. Webhost will first host the files, while you use WordPress to write your articles and get them online. Webshots will make whatever you create on WordPress available to people. That is why they Host your files, WordPress Job is to enable you to get your website look, and provide you all necessary materials you need to get the website content out. How to start a blog best WebHost
With WordPress, you can add Music, Videos, Pictures, Text, forms, script, etc on a post and page on your website. This files will be stored on your WebHot server’s storage space If your website goes offline, you won’t blame WordPress, you will blame your WebHost for not making your data available to users online,
Domain Hosting
Domain hosting is simply the URL leading to your website. You need to buy your own unique domain, this is like the Road leading to your website. it’s only via this road that we can enter into your website[ Housse] so you buy the domain name. eg www.applygist.com. Now, this domain name is useless if it is not linked to a website, or if you link it wrongly visitors will be let to a strange location which may be bad. There are several things you also need to put in a check to make sure your Domain name, led to your website content. How to start a blog best WebHost
Just contact your website host to show you how to connect your website to your domain name.
Buying the Domain name.
You can buy your domain name from any Domain seller eg Godaddy, Namecheap, DomainKings Nigeria, Name Silo, and SiteGround.
Most Domain Hosts do sell a Domain name, and Most Domain name sellers also Host, its left for you to decide if you want to get them all together with the same company. Most Domain Host once you are ready to Host your website on their Servers [ stofage] They will give you a free domain name. This comes along with your Domain Host payments.
Domanamesmes are sold for a validity period of just 1 year, but you can buy as many years as you want. However if you buy just 1 year, the moment one year is over, your domain get expire. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE HOW TO BUY DOMAIN NAME AND SELL.
Applygist Domain was renewed the same day it was scheduled to expire on Domain King, guess what, it expired, our Website was offline for 7 days because we moved our site immediately to Godaddy because Domainking Ng
Never buy from DomainKings if you can afford better Domain Host. and if you know your Domain is o Domainkings, Kindly go get it out before it’s too late. Those guys have disappointed people way too much. How to start a blog best WebHost
Moving your Domain From Blogger To WordPress
Yes, Just as I equate website to building a house, it is possible to move a website from blogger to WordPress. This is done via a tool
- Go to Plugins > Add New on your WordPress dashboard.
- Type in Blogger Importer Extended.
- It will ask you to install a plugin. Do so.
- Once it’s installed and activated, hit start.
- Check off “Keep Slugs” and if you want the plugin to preserve the blogger formatting, uncheck “Convert Formatting”
However, if you choose SiteGround, they will do it for you especially if you don’t have more than 1500 articles because that plugin will not import up to 2000 post. This happens to Applygist, we lost 2016 articles, and we suffered the impact, we lost keywords. How to start a blog best WebHost
Hi, guys hope you’re all having a nice time. please, I will like to ask if anyone knows how much it will cost to migrate from blogger platform to WordPress.
This includes the hosting from a foreign host, not a local one please, and also the theme cost. I know one can get a domain name from GoDaddy @ $0.99 using a coupon. Your answers will be much appreciated. thanks.
What you will learn.
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How to start a blog best WebHost
Brother I won’t advise you to move to WordPress from Blogger if you know the site is ranking very well. for me, I moved my Tech blog www.applygist.com to WordPress in April, my brother the experience was very painful. In fact, all post could not be imported from Blogger to WordPress, 2016 post most were not moved, and this was the year most of my backlinks are. After moving my keywords dropped, but later now am ranking more keywords. How to start a blog best WebHost
If you must move, I will recommend a Host for you, who did it free for me, but I had to edit site myself but they did basic migration it’s totally free. Visit SITEGROUND . you get
- Unmatched Speed & Security
- Free Daily Backup Included
- Free Cloudflare CDN Service
- 24/7 Support Phone/Chat/Ticket
- Choice of 5 Server Locations
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- Easy Management With cPanel
- Unlimited Emails & DBs
I had to pay Mokoshalb to help me do settings, correcting my permalink structure I paid 5,000 because I could not go read online. How to start a blog best WebHost
I was referred to Siteground by Clavy Celestine, a blogger who messaged me to help her boost her site traffic, after reading my post on Nairaland.
Honestly, won’t Lie Siteground is the best place to ever Host your website if you intend doing self-host. For the price is not much about 4 Dollars a month and you are up and running. I paid $48 total for 1 year. How to start a blog best WebHost
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Sitegroud is King when it comes to customer service. Those guys respond in 5 seconds and they will do everything free for you and handle any technical issues.
what you will also get Hosting on Siteground, am not paid to do this but I can’t just hide this
1. Free Importing from Blogger to WordPress
2. Free https
3. Free Domain if you want to start new site
4. Free CloudFlare service activated
5. 30 Days Backup- they backup your site for last 30 days, meaning even if you get hacked which is impossible, all you need is to pick any day to restore to
6. Free plugin to clear cache- Over 4 months of using Siteground, I have not used up to 1 Gb out of 10
7. You can Host unlimited number of domains on this plan-
8. You can create a subdomain eg, chat.applygist.com or applygist.com/forum
9. Affiliate system-
you can still chop another bonus by referring people HERE ARE REWARDS
If you Invite anyone Under any of the 4 Plans you get Award
StartUp = you will get 3 months free
GrowBig = you will get 2 months free
GoGeek = 1 month free
Dedicated/Cloud= You get $30.00 in prorated time
How to start a blog best WebHost – Share SiteGround offer with anyone you choose, so that they can join the happy flock and start enjoying the same awesome hosting experience that you have.
Do not hesitate to post the link below on your website, or use email, Facebook, Twitter or any other source to share it with your friends. We will record any successful recommendation and automatically award you! Share SiteGround offer with anyone you choose, so that they can join the happy flock and start enjoying the same awesome hosting experience that you have. Do not hesitate to post the link below on your website, or use email, Facebook, Twitter or any other source to share it with your friends. We will record any successful recommendation and automatically award you!
This is from my personal experience and not hearsay. introducing how to make money online with expired domain names. this simply means registering a domain name that has previously expired and monetize it to start making money from it. how? May you ask? every domain name has an expiry date. after the expiry date if the original owner failed to renew it the name will be dropped and anybody can register it for the normal price of $10. now after buying it, there are two ways to make money from it; 1. by parking and 2. by selling the domain itself. parking simply means giving the domain name to a parking company and change your name servers, they, in turn, will place advertisements on the domain and it will look exactly like a website. whenever a visitor visits and clicks on an ad, you make money. that’s so easy if you know what I mean. they pay on the 7th of every month to your preferred method of payment. How to start a blog best WebHost
Another area to make money from expired domain names is to resell the name for higher profit. every day domain names are been sold high and low prices, just last year ebola.com was sold for $200,000 by its owner. personally, I have severally had my share in the domain business. my first successful domain sale was danbaba.com, it was sold for N83000 at afternic.com (a domain market place) I will expose how exactly I sold my first domain name, how to transfer a domain name when you sold it, parking companies to park your domain names plus other exclusive reports about investing in expired domain names
My mistakes and how to avoid them: it happened that after going for the expired domain training at computer village the training fee then was N17,500, it was a group training. when I came back I bought several expired domain names, in expired domain investing you need to take 3 things very important; Alexa traffic ranking, PageRank, and backlinks but then what am after is just any expired domain name. that’s a mistake, a big mistake because out of about 13 names I registered none was valuable except one that I later sold. before the selling am not seeing any result both from parking and selling. and I began to wonder whether this things works, yes I doubted but before I went for the training I have done a Google search to know more about the business. I was satisfied. How to start a blog best WebHost my first domain sale was $75 USD and this happened at sedo.com, after selling they asked me to transfer the domain to the new buyer but I don’t know how to do it, they cancelled the transaction after 7 days
later I got an email from Afternic again that my domain name has been sold for a buy it now of $550. (BUY IT NOW means direct buying, no negotiation.) they asked me again to hand over the domain name before they will pay me. at first, I thought it was a scam. Well, there’s a message box we can be communicating with each other, they assisted me on how to transfer the domain name bod that immediately after that they will pay me. I transferred the domains and within 3 days got an alert from GTbank. the more interesting part of it is that that same domain name danbaba.com is up for sale now for $2,395 by the current owner now. visit www.danbaba.com to see the price. for a private mentorship and training visit www.julanky.com More tips coming…… How to start a blog best WebHost
where and how to buy a domain name; there are many domain registrars all over the net but their price varies. one of the cheapest registrars is godaddy.com. normally the price of a domain name is close to $13 USD but at GoDaddy, you can buy a domain name for as low as N600, all with a promo code. promo codes are usually applied when you want to pay, once applied, if it’s a valid one, you will see the price automatically slashed down. promo codes are usually released every month and for those that are already in this business if you need a promo code, send me an email @ Ikennaobi44@gmail.Com and I will forward it to you for absolutely free of charge. I have up to 40 promo codes right now. To pay simply use your Visa or MasterCard. and no problem your card details is secure with them. nobody will tamper with your account without your permission. Questions and inquiries are welcomed.
How to start a blog best WebHost
where to park your domain names; once you register an expired domain name {decent} with good traffic ranking, the next step is to park it to start making money from it. once you park it and change your name servers, the parking company will now place ads on it and whenever a visitor visits and clicks on any of those ads, you make money. the money you make is called commission. now there are several parking companies with a different mode of operations and payments. one of the recommended is bodis.com. free sign up, and they pay exactly on the 7th of every month. P.S. if you’re not yet convinced about making money online through expired domain parking and selling you can do your own personal research before taking any action. all that you’re reading here is from my own personal experience
where to sell your domain names; when you park your domain name, by request they will put the domain name for sale. so while waiting for the right price or offer to come you will be making money from the parking revenue. but there are selling companies too. what they are after is to sell a domain name, take their commission and pay you the rest. below are parking and selling companies and the good news is that they all accept Nigerians; afternic.com How to start a blog best WebHost
bodis.com and
QUESTION = I buy a domain name, I pack it and I sell it? Is that all?
Can I make money by packing also? Am I the one to say the price that I wanna sell it?
ANWER= it’s important for you to read and understand well too. in this business there are two ways to make money from it;
domain parking and
domain selling. when you park a domain name the parking companies will, in turn, put ads on it and it will look exactly like a website. whenever a visitor visits and clicks on any ad there you make money. that is making money from domain parking. but for you to start making money from parking you must have domains with rich traffic because without traffic there’s no way visitors will come. that’s where expired domains came in. most expired domain names have rich traffic, Google PageRank, and backlinks before they expired. if the original owner failed to renew it, the name will expire and will be available to register. How to start a blog best WebHost
fixing the price of your domain name. in the process of parking, the parking company will ask you if you wish to sell the domain if you say yes, you will need to fill a fixed price or negotiation. both are good but the best is to put a BUY IT NOW price. you may be confused on how much best to put for that domain name so that the price will not be over high or overflow thereby leaving money on the table. there are tools to help you get a good price for your domain and one of them is estibot.com. estibot.com will give you an idea of how much that domain worth and related domain sales. for example, when I want to put danbaba.com for sale, Estibot told me that it worths $650, from that tip I went back and fix the price at $550 as a buy it now.
How to start a blog best WebHost
QUESTION= so how will traffic get to the domain name
ANSWER= your inquiries so far have been great. though I have answered this before let me explain more. what am talking about here is expired domain names and not a brand new domain name. an expired domain name simply means a domain that the original owner failed to renew and subsequently was deleted and became available for re registration. now before that domain expired the owner might have found several ways to promote the website by paid adverts, SEO and for it to rank high in google. now if such name expired and another person registered it, one sure way to start making money from it within 2 days is to head over to a parking company and park it. once you park it, the company will, in turn, scatter adverts on the domain and the contents will be related to the old contents before it expired just that it will now be full of adverts. the domain has old visitors already and so most will be visiting but will now be seeing ads. once they click on any, you make money