Twitter Followers 2018
Are you looking for real twitter followers 2018? Here is the best offer 24 Hours Delivery
If you need real and active twitter followers 2018, then this page is for you. This service is offered by exclusively on request. 2017-2018 has seen a significant increase in the value of Twitter. You won’t forget too quickly that persons like Donald Trump have contributed significantly to the popularity of the platform.

Twitter Followers 2018
Later we would look at Donald Trumps twitter records, but what we should understand is how much Twitter has gotten attention today. Donald Trump is not the only personality patronizing the platform, we have almost every important personality communicating to the world. We cannot mention them enough, I mean almost every important person. President Buhari is not left out, Mugabe, Barack Obama, Jay-Z, Beyonce, JJOmojuwa, so many people. Now, this is not the topic today, we are looking at the impact this social media network Launched July 15, 2006; which is about 11 years ago. Need To Download Twitter Lite App For Android
How much can I buy twitter followers 2018?
You can now buy Followers on Twitter 2018 and more years on at a very affordable rate. We are offering you to buy 1000 (One thousand) original twitter followers. We have limited this offer for only 5000 twitter followers for the price of $3 forever 1000. However you can buy more than 5k twitter followers 2018, but this time you will pay $5 forever 1000 twitter followers.
$5 for 1k followers, we can deliver over 100k members, this goes for just $200. If you need to buy more then you need to contact us
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Why should I buy twitter followers? Can I make money?
You can make a lot of money. That is why we are posting this article for you. It’s not just making money, you have a lot of other benefits why you should consider buying twitter followers in the first place. In fact, statistic shows the number of social network users worldwide from 2010 to 2021. In 2019, it is estimated that there will be around 2.77 billion social network users around the globe, up from 2.46 billion in 2017.
What is the Social Media Usage Statistics today?
According to, the impact of social media including twitter profile which we are discussing today is such that the number of worldwide users is expected to reach some 3.02 billion monthly active social media users by 2021, around a third of Earth’s entire population. An estimated 750 million of these users in 2022 is expected to be from China alone and approximately a third of a billion from India. The region with the highest penetration rate of social networks is North America, where around 70 percent of the population has at least one social account. As of 2017, 81 percent of the United States population had a social networking profile.
How can I use this social media to make money?
From the statistics you saw, you can promote your goods, products, services to this huge population. Remember we can make money from Social Media 2018 and beyond because we have an opportunity to connect with this entire world remotely. What remote connection implies is that you don’t have to be in different places physically before you can make money, no! you communicate from the world wide web WWW.
All that you need is a device to log in, and start communicating. You can share a product on appropriate communities example on Facebook you can join Facebook groups, Create Product Pages and start sharing your product. Likewise Twitter, you can customize your page ready for business. Share what you do daily on your tweets. This is where you need a lot of Twitter Followers. When you share product and no one reads them when you make no money. Gaining many twitter followers offer you an opportunity to market yourself; solve a global problem.
Let’s assume you are a Health Scientist, you can make money on Twitter. Write exciting health tips, recommend products to sick people, give them a recipe that would relief them of an ailment, share this on twitter, drop your number and they will rush to pay for such service and you make money on twitter.
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How much do you know about Twitter Followers?
Twitter as a social media company has been a reliable online news and social networking service platform where Twitter Follower are free to post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. This a big opportunity for online users and followers not only socialize but market products and services which would enable them to make money. Earlier than November 7, 2017, Twitter followers were limited to post 140 characters, but on, this restriction was doubled for all languages except Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Check out Twitter Lite App Features
What is the current Statistics of Twitter?
Twitter is a News and social networking service
Available in: Multilingual
Traded as: NYSE: TWTR
Founded: March 21, 2006; 12 years ago
Where is Twitter Headquarters: San Francisco, California, U.S.
Launched: July 15, 2006; 11 years ago
Jack Dorsey: Co-founder and CEO of Twitter, in 2009 –
Donald Trump Tweets on these Topics
Check Donald Tumps Gold Plate phone
Tweets as President (476 days)
215 tweets about Fake News
45 tweets about CNN
41 tweets about NBC
45 tweets about the New York Times
205 tweets about Fox News or Sean Hannity
152 tweets about Russia
104 tweets about Clinton
91 tweets about Obama
73 tweets about Obamacare
27 tweets about the NFL
106 tweets about deals
130 tweets about MAGA
Donald Trump Tweets on Latest Fake News So Far
May 9, 2018 05:38:10 PM – The Failing New York Times criticized Secretary of State Pompeo for being AWOL (missing), when in fact he was flying to North Korea. Fake News, so bad!
May 9, 2018 06:38:45 AM – The Fake News is working overtime. Just reported that, despite the tremendous success we are having with the economy & all things else, 91% of the Network News about me is negative (Fake). Why do we work so hard in working with the media when it is corrupt? Take away credentials?
May 4, 2018 05:45:31 AM – NBC NEWS is wrong again! They cite “sources” which are constantly wrong. Problem is, like so many others, the sources probably don’t exist, they are fabricated, fiction! NBC, my former home with the Apprentice, is now as bad as Fake News CNN. Sad!
Apr 30, 2018 06:02:13 PM – The White House is running very smoothly despite phony Witch Hunts etc. There is great Energy and unending Stamina, both necessary to get things done. We are accomplishing the unthinkable and setting positive records while doing so! Fake News is going “bonkers!”
Apr 30, 2018 05:49:55 PM – The Fake News is going crazy making up false stories and using only unnamed sources (who don’t exist). They are totally unhinged, and the great success of this Administration is making them do and say things that even they can’t believe they are saying. Truly bad people!
Apr 30, 2018 07:10:58 AM – The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it. This was a total disaster and an embarrassment to our great Country and all that it stands for. FAKE NEWS is alive and well and beautifully represented on Saturday night!
Apr 28, 2018 07:58:18 AM – “Clapper lied about (fraudulent) Dossier leaks to CNN” @foxandfriends FoxNews He is a lying machine who now works for Fake News CNN.
Apr 22, 2018 07:50:22 AM – Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we have given up so much in our negotiations with North Korea, and they have given up nothing. Wow, we haven’t given up anything & they have agreed to denuclearization (so great for World), site closure, & no more testing!
Apr 20, 2018 03:25:13 PM – Can you believe that despite 93% bad stories from the Fake News Media (should be getting good stories), today we had just about our highest Poll Numbers, including those on Election Day? The American public is wise to the phony an dishonest press. Make America Great Again!
Apr 18, 2018 05:08:50 AM – A sketch years later about a nonexistent man. A total con job, playing the Fake News Media for Fools (but they know it)!
Donald Trump Tweets on Personal Superlatives
“My I.Q. is one of the highest – and you all know it!”
“I will be the best by far in fighting terror”
“I will be the greatest job-producing president in American history”
“I am the BEST builder, just look at what I’ve built”
“I am the best builder but if that were my building with the crane mishap…”
“I am attracting the biggest crowds, by far, and the best poll numbers, also by far.”
“I am least racist person there is”
“I am in Las Vegas, at the best hotel (by far), Trump International”
“I am at Trump National Doral-best resort in U.S.”
“Donald Trump’s Palm Beach mansion…which I turned into the greatest club in the world”
“Many people have commented that my fragrance, “Success” is the best scent & lasts the longest”
“Many people have said I’m the world’s greatest writer of 140 character sentences.”
“Many are saying I’m the best 140 character writer in the world”
Get Free Valentines Quotes from Donald Trump from this Power Love Machine.
Donald Trump Tweets on On President Barack Obama
Obama has “no idea what he is doing – incompetent!”
Obama has “a horrible attitude – a man who is resigned to defeat”
Obama has “absolutely no control (or respect) over the African American community”
Obama has “done such a poor job as president, you won’t see another black president for generations!”
Obama has “made one mistake after another for a very long time”
Obama has “no understanding of how to create jobs or opportunity”
Obama has “allowed America to be abused and kicked around”
Obama has “no problem lying to the American public”
Obama has “been horrible” for Christians
Obama has “been a total disaster”
Obama is a “terrible executive”
Obama is “truly a pathetic excuse of a president, can’t get any worse”
Obama is “looking like an incompetent fool”
Obama is “a delusional failure”
Obama is “so inelegant and unpresidential”
Obama is “so stupid”
Obama is “so overwhelmed by what is happening in the U.S. and throughout the World”
Obama is “not a natural deal maker. Only makes bad deals!”
Obama is “A TOTAL incompetent!”
Obama is “perhaps the worst president in U.S. history!”
Obama is “perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States!”
Obama is “living in a world of the make believe!”
Obama is “not a natural leader, was never ment (sic) to lead”
Obama is “just so bad!”
Obama is “an absolutely terrible president, maybe the worst in our history!”
Obama is “without question, the WORST EVER president”
Obama is “losing on so many fronts, in fact all fronts”
Obama is “giving Social Security & ObamaCare to illegals”
Obama is “giving a pathway to terrorists to enter our country. An attack is on him.”
Obama is “the weakest POTUS against China”
Obama is “so fawning and desperate”
Obama is “not a leader, he’s just a campaigner”
Obama is “the most overrated politician in US history”
Obama is “a racist”
Obama is “not who you think”
Obama wants “to change the name of the “White House” because it is highly discriminating”
Obama wants “to deny due process to the police. He’ll give all constitutional rights to the terrorists but not our cops”
Obama was “so pathetic in the first debate”
Obama was “never made or prepared for the job. Like it or not, he doesn’t have “it””
Obama was “able to fool the Americans by getting elected”
Obama “doesn’t have a clue…our country is a divided crime scene”
Obama “doesn’t know what he is doing”
Obama “loves wasting our money”
Obama “is not capable of doing the job”
Obama should “be ashamed!”
Obama “you are a complete and total disaster”
Obama “what the hell is wrong with you?”
“It’s almost like he’s saying F-you to U.S. public”
“I predict he will now do something really bad and totally stupid to show manhood!”
“I am concerned he will do something totally irrational”
“Who thinks that President Obama is totally incompetent?”
“What the hell is wrong with this guy?”
“Is he stubborn or just plain incompetent”
“Is he stupid or arrogant?”
“Can you be that thick (stupid)?”
“How much can one man lie about even the most obvious things?”
“How totally stupid is this guy?”
“How the hell did he get into Columbia & Harvard?”
“Is he delusional?”
“Everything he touches turns to garbage”
“Everything he touches turns into a mess. Some people just don’t have it”
“Obama our Welfare & Food Stamp President…He doesn’t believe in work.”
Donald Trump Tweets on What’s the worst?
President Obama “is the worst president in U.S. history!”
Bill Clinton “the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. political history”
Mitt Romney “one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of Republican politics”
Mitt Romney’s campaign “one of the worst races in presidential history”
John Kasich “one of the worst presidential candidates in history”
Marco Rubio “the worst voting record in the U.S. Senate in many years”
Ted Cruz “the worst liar”
George Pataki “one of the worst” governors
Bill deBlasio “the worst Mayor in the U.S.”
Eric Schneiderman “nation’s worst AG”
NY Times “one of the worst newspapers”
The media pile on (against Trump) “the worst in American political history!”
Charles Krauthammer “one of the worst and most boring political pundits on television”
Florida Power and Light “one of the worst utility companies in the country”
celebrity doctors “the worst doctors (by far)”
Our Q1 GDP “worst in memory”
Macys “one of the worst performing stocks on the S&P last year”
The Oscars “worst graphics and stage backdrop ever”
The Emmys “the absolute worst show”
Hollywood’s 2013 year “the worst year ever for Hollywood”
The Super Bowl “the worst Super Bowl in history”
Denver’s Super Bowl performance “may be the worst football game ever played by one team”
Our foreign policy “worst in U.S. history”
Our negotiators “the worst and dumbest”
NAFTA “the worst economic deal in U.S. history?”
Congressional Republicans “the worst negotiators in history”
ObamaCare “one of the worst political disasters of all time”
Trump’s spot at CPAC “the worst spot at CPAC”
Penn Jillette’s Vegas show “worst show in Las Vegas”
CNBC ratings “worst in many years”
Karl Rove’s ads “the worst in political history”
Karl Rove’s strategy and commercials “the worst I have ever seen”
Chuck Hagel’s confirmation hearings “the worst I have ever witnessed”
Chuck Hagel’s performance at hearings “the worst I have ever seen before a committee”
Alan Sugar “the worst kind of loser”
Rick Reilly “may be the worst reporter in all of sports”
Jeff Horwitz “one of the worst reporters in the business”
Richard Roeper ”one of the worst replacements in showbiz”
Graydon Carter’s food “worst in town!”
30 For 30: Small Potatoes “one of the worst made and inaccurate documentaries I have ever seen”
Megyn Kelly “is the worst”Twitter Followers 2018
CNN “is the worst”
Donald Trump Tweets on Who doesn’t have a clue?
President Obama “doesn’t have a clue”
Elizabeth Warren “doesn’t have a clue”
David Brooks “doesn’t have a clue”
Mitt Romney “doesn’t have a clue”
John Kasich “doesn’t have a clue”
Marco Rubio “doesn’t have a clue”
Rich Lowry “doesn’t have a clue”
Nicole Wallace “doesn’t have a clue”
Karl Rove “doesn’t have a clue”
Republican candidates “don’t have a clue”
Chuck Hagel “didn’t have a clue”
someone (“I just had to fire”) “didn’t have a clue”
Hillary Clinton “has no clue”
Jeb Bush “has no clue”
Pamela Geller “doesn’t have a clue”
S.E. Cupp “doesn’t have a clue”
Errol Louis “doesn’t have a clue”
Tim O’Brien “dumb guy with no clue!”
Hillary or Barack “neither of which has a clue!”
That’s way the besestt answer so far!