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Cracked Vpn for Unlimited data access

Applygist ware created and designed from tweakware

Applygist ware is an android app designed from an already made tweakware vpn app.It was designed and edited by Master Horlatech and his Crew.
The major purpose of editing this app is to try and satisfy our browsing needs.To allow easy connection for free users.
I have been recieving complains from our team about how tweakware never connects and disconnects after connected.
That is why we decided to introduce this app to you all.
*Advantages of Crack vpn over tweakware*
-Smaller app size.
-Connect faster than tweakware.
*How did we actually archieved the above from tweakware*
Smaller app size: By removing prenium servers,which contributes to the total app space. And also by removing the about button.
Connect faster than tweakware.: {Due to the updating of tweakware,free server is now one and alway say MAXIMUM NUMBER OF USERS REACHED}. That is why we went back to old free tweakware servers with the help of our editing tools to extract,compose and merge the servers.
*NOTE:* This Crack vpn is designed from tweakware and has a better stable connection than that of tweakware.We did not create the app,instead we designed the app for a better stable connections.

More reasons why you should use Applygist ware
Unlike normal tweakware, it has Five Free servers
First one is moded by tweakware itself
While the remaining Four Are created by Applygist but still connects to Tweakware
So in other words;
The first Server gets the too much people error
But the remaining four never gets that error messages
So now how do we do it
Get a glo line
Make sure there’s no credit there
No megabyte
Send payu to 127
Install the Applygist ware, Go to settings
Click Applygist glo 0.0
Nd go back click connect
Notice, for the first connection, you would not see the five free servers, so click on the hakod first
Keep connecting till it connects, after it connects, it would update the servers
Disconnect nd click any of the other free servers you like
Remember only Glo users & each free server is entitled to 250mb per day, so if you finish the 250mb on one server jump to the other server, and it has five free servers so calculate it
HOW TO Download applygist ware??  Click here
Kelvin Alexander

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