Learn how to fix black screen problems in PPSSPP Gold emulator when a game is loaded. The problem is solved in this post. After reading this post, you will be able to play your favorite PSP game on Android without black screen errors. ABOUT PPSSPP GOLD EMULATOR PPSSPP Gold is a PSP emulator that allows you to play PSP games …
how to
October, 2023
2 October
How Technology Helps Streamlining Business Operations
How Technology Helps Streamlining Business Operations There are many reasons why you would want to streamline your business operations, and these could include saving money and freeing up valuable employee time. Providing your customers with exceptional service while also growing and expanding your business, as well as staying competitive in the market, is a particularly tough call without any help …
September, 2023
30 September
How To Create a Sweet Gaming Profile With Zaglo Text
Gaming has become a major pastime for people of all ages, and with the rise of online gaming, having a strong gaming profile has become more important than ever. A well-designed profile can attract attention and help you stand out from the crowd. So, making a gaming profile look more attractive and stand out isn’t something out of the ordinary. …
30 September
How to Recover Corrupted PST Files in Outlook 365
When you use Outlook 365, there are times when your PST files may become corrupted. This can be a major inconvenience as it will cause data loss and other problems with the program. Thankfully, there are some simple steps that you can take to fix corrupted PST files in Outlook 365. 1. CHECK THE SIZE OF YOUR PST FILE: One …
26 September
How To Clean Install Windows 11
PCS, FOR A long time, had a bloatware problem. The major PC manufacturers—Dell, Asus, Acer, and the like—had a bad habit of including “free trials” of software like Norton AntiVirus on new devices. The software companies paid to be included. This got so bad in the late 2000s that many people simply chose to reinstall Windows on new computers before …
26 September
How to fix “Download Pending” Error
Trust me, it’s frustrating when you are stuck with “download pending” error when trying to download or install apps from Google Play Store. A lot of people has reported this error otherwise referred to as bug and seek solutions for it. So if you are facing this problem, read on because this post is made for you. It becomes more …
26 September
How To Convert MOV to MP3 on Windows for free
MOV is a multimedia file format that stores digital video, containing audio, video, text tracks, complex script commands, subtitles, and other data, and it can be played on any device capable of decoding it. MP3 is the most common type of digital music audio. It is usually used to transfer songs and music as it takes up very little disk …
24 September
How To Clean and Optimize your Computer System
In just one software, you can clean up, speed up and optimize your computer’s performance; believe it or not, Advanced SystemCare 15 is the tool that helps. Powerful for your PC by its friendly interface, easy to use, and contains no adware, spyware, or viruses along with its effective maintenance program. CLEAN AND OPTIMIZE The first is Clean & Optimize. …
22 September
How to Retrieve Your NIN on MTN, Airtel, Glo, 9Mobile
NIN stands for National Identification Number and it’s used for proper identification of people living in Nigeria. More about NIN. In this post, you will know how to check your National Identification Number (NIN) and how to submit/link it to your MTN, Airtel, Glo and 9mobile lines. Of course, these are the top network operators in the country. In December …
22 September
How to Download Auto Clicker on your Devices
There are plenty of auto clickers available for Android devices. But when it comes to macOS and iPhone, there aren’t many options available. Fortunately, we have found some ways to install auto clickers on both Mac and iPhone. Using auto clickers will save you a lot of time that you spend vigorously clicking on the screen. You can set a …
21 September
How to deal with the grief of losing your phone
While it’s not the same as losing a loved one or a pet, unexpectedly losing or breaking your phone can be an incredibly stressful experience for many people. After all, how are you going to contact people, or how will someone reach you? Perhaps you had a bunch of important photos on there too! Until you get your phone replaced, …
21 September
How to find Duplicate files on Mac
If you are looking forward to owning a computer, then it’s high time you considered a Mac. Let’s face it, it’s most probably that you are looking for a PC that has all the qualities, features, and one that will last longer. This is what getting value for money is all about. Macs are easier to use, affordable, and efficient. …
21 September
Downloads folder is occupying more and more C drive free space? This tutorial will teach you how to move Downloads folder to another drive safely and easily, so that you can release more free space in C drive. ABOUT DOWNLOADS FOLDER Have you ever been curious about where the programs are stored in when you download them from the website? …
13 September
Download Vanced Tube and enjoy premium Youtube
Download YоuTubе Vаnсеd now to enjoy рrеmium YouTube access with nо аdѕ, play YоuTubе muѕiс & vidеоѕ in the bасkgrоund, and еnjоу diffеrеnt themes аnd colors. Vаnсеd Tubе is оnе оf thе bеѕt оnlinе video players аt the mоmеnt. YouTube Vаnсеd also called the “Vаnсеd Tube” app was dеvеlореd bу guуѕ аt XDA dеvеlореrѕ fоrum tо оffеr thе public a …
12 September
How to get rid of virus on Android phone
Thiѕ guide will not only teach you how tо remove viruѕ frоm your Andrоid device but also tеасh уоu how tо рrеvеnt your рhоnе from gеtting viruѕ in thе future. Althоugh уоu have owned аn Andrоid dеviсе fоr a lоng timе, уоu hаvе to аdmit thаt уоu still dоn’t knоw hоw tо mаkе the most оf it аnd саrе fоr …