Dstv, MYTV Satellite dish position, frequency
DSTV, Startimes, MBC West, TStv, MYTV Frequency, Dish Position & Symbols 2018
Latest Frequencies, Satellites, Symbol Rates and Positions of Most Satellite Televisions
Below is the list of most popular satellite TV television providers and their current frequency, symbol rates and Dish Position.
Position: 2 degrees, East
Satelite: Astra 2F

You will learn how to set your TV such as DSTV, TStv, Startimes, MBC West, MYTV Africa, MULTI TV, NIGCOMSAT etc.
Exceptional universal Decoders like “Strong Decoder” can be utilized to track these frequencies yet clients will most likely be unable to buy in to its pay channels with the universal decoders except if an outsider gadget is utilized; be that as it may, you will just approach the allowed to air channels aside from the like of MYTV Africa which its pay channel can be subscribed and seen on the strong decoders.
Television has moved toward becoming piece of us and with the presentation and fame of digital broadcasting in most African nations, the TV media is getting additionally fascinating. This can be confirmed through the enormous number of families presently going digital by utilizing cable TV networks like GOtv and Startimes.
Presently, cable TV administrations isn’t intended for the affluent homes yet for everybody.
Having said that, one noteworthy difficulties looked by a normal cable TV client is the installation of satellite dish and positioning to get channels. This occasionally cost individuals a considerable measure of cash to procure an expert DSTV Dish installer or installer of some other TV network.
In any case, don’t stress much on the cost again in light of the fact that with the information and presentations on this page, you can do it without anyone’s help.
Kwese TV
Satellite: Eutelsat 7B
Frequency: 10720
Image Rate: 29985
Polarization: H
Position: 7° East.
More Information On These TV Providers
DSTV: it is a satellite TV supplier with MultiChoice as its parent organization. It’s the biggest cable TV supplier in Africa with Nigeria being its best market stronghold. As of late, the South African claimed TV network has expanded its subscription costs and its at present experiencing banters in the Nigerian place of senate. DSTV gives more than 250 channels from various classifications including news, amusement, games, religion and children channels. There are DSTV HD and PVR decoders that offers a few bundles and bunches.
TSTV: TStv is an indigenous Nigerian PayTv network claimed by an Imo State conceived ICT master called Bright Echefu. Best position and settings for TSTV . The TV network is a promising opponent to DSTV in spite of the fact that the skirmish of amazingness is extremely telling on the organization as it would seem that a huge assignment to build up its quality while DSTV is still in activity. TSTV guaranteed to offer endorsers free information, pay-as-you-see administrations, store and watch later administrations among others.
The TSTV types of gear are likewise one of the least expensive you can get at around 6000 Naira to 7000 Naira. TSTV Decoder is accessible in two kinds – Sassy Decoder and the typical TStv decoder.
MYTV Africa: This is another digital TV network that is extremely mainstream in Sub-Saharan African nations. It offers TV programs extending from dramatization, religion, news, music, sports and so on.
Startimes: Startimes is claimed by Chinese Company yet was presented in Nigeria as a component of the measures the FG took to authorize digital broadcasting in Nigeria. Presently, relatively every family in Nigeria utilizes startimes or GOtv Decoder. That reminds me, Startimes is an other option to gotv which are both shoddy PayTv networks.
Startimes has now presented Dish variant which is the reason you saw it in the rundown of Dish Position and frequency on this post.
Kwesé TV: Kwese television is an African satellite TV organization which gives its gatherings of people a moderate and premium substance.
Kwese television stations are receivable in nearly; every African nation utilizing Kwese Decoder and a 90cm satellite dish. Different mainlands like Europe, Asia, Australia, North and South America, and so on, are not forgotten in light of the fact that the organization has an application which can be utilized to observe any of its channels from any piece of the world over the Internet.
The Kwese television Subscription Plans can be shared among three gadgets which implies at whatever point a client buy in both of the kwese 3 days plan, 7 days plan or multi month plan he or she can utilize a similar arrangement on any 3 of these gadgets, ‘kwese decoder, Android telephone, Apple iPhone, Smart TV or other bolstered gadgets, In this post I will instruct you how to share kwese subscription plan among your gadgets yet above all else how about we investigate kwese stations.
That is on most recent frequency, dish position and images for famous satellite TV providers like DSTV, Startimes, MBC West, TStv, MYTV, Nigcomsat and so on.
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:12.522 (V) 30.00011.595 (V) 30.000
11.095 (V) 30.000
12.675 (H) 30.000
Position: 36 degrees, East
Satelite: Eutelsat W4
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
11.842(V) 27.500
11.728 (V) 27.500
11.747 (V) 27.500
12.245 (H) 27.500
12.284 (H) 27.500
Position:9 degree, East
Satelite: Eutelsat 10 A
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
919(H) 27.500
11.939 (V) 27.500
11.881 (H) 27.500
POSITION: 4 degree, West
Satelite: ABS3
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
11.168(H) 30.000
11.088 (H) 30.000
11.052 (H) 30.000
MBC West
Position: 7 degree, West
Satelite: Nilesat
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
11.560(H) 27.500
11.685 (H) 27.500
11.475 (H) 27.500
INTV — (Iran’s National TV)
Position: 7 degree, East
Satelite: Eutelsat 7A
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
10.720(H) 30.000
10.929 (H) 30.000
MyTV Smart
Position: 16 degree, East
Satelite: Eutelsat 16A
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
10.804(H) 30.000
12.521 (H) 30.000
12.563 (H) 30.000
12.604 (H) 30.000
Yemal 402
Position: 55 degree, East
Satelite: Yahsat
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
11.008(V) 05.000
Position: 42 degree, East
Satelite: Nigcomsat
Tstv Offers 5,000 Decoders For Free – Grab your Own
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
12.518(H) 29.500
Position: 22 degree, West
Satelite: SES 7/KU
Frequencies, Polarizations and Symbol Rates:
10.986(V) 30.000