Hot Online Business Ideas
27 Revealed Blogging Niche Business That will pay you
Hello readers, I guess you are not tired of making money lessons we share on Applygist.com, becasue if you are not making real hot money online yet, our minds will not be at rest until you hit the jackpot and start chopping your share of the internet cake. I mean why will brands like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Amazon, Ebay, Konga, Jumia, and Lots more As we Listed TOP ONLINE BUSINESSS COMPANIES in our article Titled 49 MAKE MONEY ONLINE FREE EBOOKS – DOWNLOAD AND LEARN HOW TO MAKE MONEY LEGIT Where we shared so many secretes for earning crazy money like those brands we liusted. In the article, you can download Ebooks for free which will help you start your own business with no fear of loosing money. Also, we shared some other secrets of making money in the following articles Hot Online Business Ideas
2. HOW TO MAKE MONEY SCAMMING PEOPLE ONLINE [ Note really what you think until you read ]
Now we bring you yet another tutorial from Abass Toriola CEO at Web Income Plus. This guy is very knowledgable when it comes to exposing the top secretes. They may seem too difficult for you, but it’s only a lazy mindset that will say that. To make money is not a joke. That is why we at applygist.com keeps learning from people who have been in the system for years, we digest there knowledge and we share to our audience for free. So in today’s tutorial, we have reviewed this 27 Hot Online Business Ideas – Blogging Niches That will pay you and we can tell you that these revealed ideas are very very correct. Pay attention to the last part that says Keep off entertainment and celebrity gist blogging just in case you are running to start a news blog as a low-income earner or as just one little guy on the street corner with no serious plan to invest heavily to get such new portal popular and hire expert writers. Most news Bloggers are just copy paste and dump, the truth is such people won’t go far keep off from such niche if you don’t have a good plan yet.

Hot Online Business Ideas
Business Idea 1: Small business blog
With the worsening state of Nigeria’s economy comes saddening developments such as mass retrenchment of workers, dearth of jobs in the labor market, and lack of job security. This explains why millions of Nigerians are on the lookout for lucrative small business opportunities to explore — in a bid to achieve financial independence.
However, most people who want to start a business have one problem: they are confused as to which business to start. And this is because they have little or no knowledge of the various small business opportunities available in the country.
If you have a knack for research, you can quickly gather a loyal Nigerian audience by starting a small business blog that features quality and valuable information about each of the various small business ideas and opportunities available in Nigeria.
In addition, the blog can feature relevant tips on how to manage and grow a small business in Nigeria, lists of small businesses one can start with different ranges of startup capital.
You can monetize a small business blog with good traffic by selling e-books offering in-depth information on how to start various small businesses in Nigeria or on other topics that will be of interest to small business owners. Similarly, you can sell ad space, run contextual ads (Adsense, etc), and offer consulting services to small business owners.
Better yet, you can make things easier for yourself by focusing on just one small business opportunity, such as recharge card printing business, packaged water business, and so on. Just be sure to provide quality information that will help you build trust and get readers glued to your blog.
Business Idea 2: Agriculture blog
More and more Nigerians are turning towards starting their own businesses, and agriculture is one of the sectors most people are looking at because it involves relatively low capital, low risk, and no formal qualifications.
However, only few people have adequate information about the agricultural sectors as well as the business opportunities therein. So, starting an agriculture blog targeted at Nigerians is a smart way to reach those who want to start agriculture businesses but lack the required know-how.
On such a blog, you can publish step-by-step guides on how to start various agriculture-based businesses, such as poultry farming, snail farming, kolanut plantation, rubber plantation, and so on. You’ll be surprised at the number of Nigerians searching Google every day to find such information.
Once your audience grows to a decent size, you can monetize the blog by selling e-books that contain in-depth information on various agric-based businesses, selling ad space directly to advertisers, running Adsense ads, and rendering consulting services.
If you think agriculture is so wide that you cannot cover it on blog, consider narrowing your focus to just one or few profitable agriculture ventures that you have in-depth knowledge of. This is even preferred if you have a solid background or huge experience in one lucrative aspect of farming.
Business Idea 3: Fashion blog
Just as with every other people in the world, we Nigerians love fashion. And not only do we care so much about our appearance, we are also constantly searching the web for information on latest fashion trends and tips on how to look good. And to cap it, we spend heavily on wears and other fashion accessories.
The above drives home the point that anyone who starts a fashion blog at the moment would quickly build a huge Nigerian audience. So, if you’re a fashion freak or you wouldn’t just mind writing consistently on the topic, this is a good niche to explore, especially since there are only few Nigerian fashion blogs at the moment.
Because wears and fashion accessories are one of the products mostly ordered online in Nigeria, a fashion blog targeted at Nigerians has the potential to earn a huge monthly income through affiliate marketing. So, if you opt for this niche, you can promote products for Jumiaand Konga in return for their attractive commissions. In addition, you can monetize the blog by selling advert space directly to fashion outfits and by running contextual ads.
Business Idea 4: Cooking blog
It might surprise you to know that many Nigerians cannot cook some of those meals you’re very good at cooking. Aside that, many Nigerians are just curious to know how to cook various local and foreign delicacies. And they go as far as searching the web for helpful information in that regard.
If you pride yourself on having great culinary skills or you just have an unflinching passion for cooking, consider starting a blog that shares information on cooking tips, recipes, and other related stuff. Such a blog would attract a huge Nigerian audience within a short period provided you play your cards right.
And when the blog starts to generate a decent amount of daily hits, you can monetize by selling ad space directly to advertisers (think manufacturers of seasoning, processed foods, etc.), selling e-books that contain recipes and diet plans, and running Adsense ads.
Idea #5: Job search tips blog
According to a recent research finding, only four out of every ten Nigerian graduates are employed. From that, you can rightfully deduce that there are millions of unemployed graduates in this country.
While there should be no doubt that there are no jobs to go around, another major reason why most graduates are unemployed is that they are simply unemployable. (I know this because I’ve had the opportunity to read formal pieces and CVs written by Nigerian graduates and have, on several occasions, questioned how such graduates made it out of school in the first place.)
But you’ll do well by starting a blog that teaches job-seeking graduates proven tips on how to boost their chances of getting a job — from tips on how to craft a killer CV to tips on how to prepare for job aptitude tests. Only few blogs offer such information at the moment, yet there are millions of potential readers. So, if you are passionate about that topic, now is the best time to start a blog on it.
There are many ways to monetize a job search tips blog. These include selling e-books on job search tips, packaging and selling CV templates and aptitude test questions and answers, selling ad space directly to advertisers, running Adsense ads, rendering CV and cover letter writing services, starting a recruitment agency, and so on.
Having vast knowledge of how things work in the Nigerian labor market will be an added advantage for anyone considering this option.
Business Idea 6: Oil and gas business blog
The oil and gas industry is undoubtedly the most lucrative business niche in Nigeria. Most Nigerian billionaires have investments in this money-spinning industry. And it’s the dream of majority of Nigerians to start an oil and gas business.
Although most opportunities in the Nigerians oil and gas sector are open only to big money investors, there are a handful of opportunities that can be explored by those who have smaller capital. Unfortunately, however, most people are unaware of these “inexpensive” opportunities.
If you’re highly knowledgeable of how things run in the oil and gas industry and are well aware of the various opportunities therein and how to explore them, starting a blog that focuses on that sector will be a smart move.
With several thousands of Nigerians willing to take their share of the oil and gas “pie”, you’ll build a large audience within a short period — provided you can really offer the information that most people will find valuable.
A blog that focuses on the oil and gas business can be monetized with Google Adsense ads, direct ads, e-books, and consulting services targeted at people looking to start an oil and gas business.
Note, however, that the only way to gather a loyal audience with such a blog is to have a solid background in the oil and gas industry. People can easily tell it when you’re trying to fake it.
Business Idea 7: Mini importation business blog
Before now, starting a business that involves importing goods from foreign countries and selling them required huge capital and other countless intricacies.
However, the story has now changed with the emergence of sites like Aliexpress and other online marketplaces that allow small- and medium-scale importers to connect directly with manufacturers in China and other countries. This innovation has made it possible for many Nigerians to venture into importation with as little as N10,000 — thus the name “mini importation”.
Even though the mini importation business has been around in Nigeria for some time now, there are still many people who want to take a plunge into the business, but are completely at sea as to what the business entails and how to get started.
If you deeply understand the success codes of the mini importation business, consider starting a blog that shares valuable and helpful information with people who are willing to get started.
For example, your blog could feature lists of hottest selling items in the local market that come from the manufacturer at cheap prices. Similarly, it can feature lists of reputable manufacturers and wholesalers that Nigerian importers can deal with. In essence, anything relevant to aspiring mini importers can go on the blog.
Once you’ve build a large followership, you can monetize with Google Adsense, ebooks, consulting services, and market research services.
Business Idea 8: Weight loss blog
Nigerians are becoming more and more aware of the multiple health risks of being overweight or obese. This explains why dieting, exercising, and other activities aimed at weight loss are becoming more popular in Nigeria.
Losing weight after gaining it is a challenge in itself, and most people find it so hard that they quit soon after starting their weight loss programs. But many people can easily achieve their weight loss goals with the help of a weight loss blog that features motivating weight loss stories of fellow Nigerians, dieting tips, daily routines for Nigerians looking to lose weight, recipes for weight loss meals, and so on.
If you have a good knowledge of proven fitness and dieting techniques, or you’ve gone through a weight loss program before, or you just have solid research skills, consider starting a weight loss blog. Aside that you’ll be helping many people shed those extra pounds that are making them sad, you’ll also get to make money in the long term.
A weight loss blog can be monetized with a weight loss related e-book, Google Adsense, direct advert sales, selling weight loss products (such as exercise kits), e-courses, and fitness coaching. hot online business ideas
Business Idea 9: How to travel abroad blog
If you ask every Nigerian what they hope to achieve this year, a significant percentage would tell you that they hope to travel to one foreign country. Every year, Nigerians travel to other countries of the world for varying reasons.
Regardless of destination and intended period of stay, the process of traveling out of Nigeria is practically the same: Get a passport. Get more information on how to travel to your intended destination. Apply for a visa. Schedule your visa appointment. And book your flight.
However, the fine details of each step vary by country, and Nigerians are constantly in need of these relevant details. Examples include tips on how to answer visa interview questions and how to apply for specific country’s visa. A blog that shares these and other proven information on how to travel to various countries (from Nigeria) would attract a large followership within a short period.
If you have the required research skills or deep knowledge of foreign travel processes, then this blogging opportunity is for you. If you think targeting many countries might be too much for you, consider focusing on just one country that several thousands of Nigerians are dying to visit (think U.S., U.K., Canada, France, Dubai, etc.)
Once you’ve built a large followership on your foreign travel blog, you can monetize it by selling direct adverts to airline operators and travel agencies, running contextual ads (Adsense, etc), rendering consulting services, and selling e-books.
Business Idea 10: Sexual health/fertility blog – hot online business ideas
Thousands of Nigerians — male and female — are battling various sexual health and fertility issues, such as premature ejaculation, fibroids, menstrual problems, and so on. You might not know this because most people facing these problems are usually shy to discuss it with their friends and relatives. hot online business ideas However, they spend hours every day secretly searching the web for proven solutions to their problems.
You can make a lot of money in the long term by starting a blog that discusses sexual health and fertility issues and how to solve them. Now, you don’t necessarily have to be a medical practitioner to start such a blog. hot online business ideas If you’re really passionate about that niche, all you need is the ability to research thoroughly into the subject and provide others with information that they will find helpful.
You can monetize such a blog by selling advert space directly to companies manufacturing products targeted at your audience and selling e-books that teach how to solve various sexual health and fertility problems. If you have a degree in medicine, you can add online consulting services to that mix.
However, there is a caveat: know your limits and don’t ever go beyond them! State clearly that the information on your blog is for informational purposes only and that it shouldn’t be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice.
In addition, don’t ever sell snake oil medications and other products, as this can ruin the reputation of your blog faster than anything else. This niche is lucrative, no doubt, but it’s also very sensitive.
Business Idea 11: Education blog
Millions of Nigerians students leave secondary schools every year and start seeking admission into the nation’s ivory towers. Similarly, those who have already secured admission are always on the lookout for scholarship opportunities, and graduates are looking for opportunities to study even further.
The above explains why the few blogs offering high quality information regarding UTME, post-UTME assessment examinations, tertiary institutions’ admission lists, scholarships, and so on generate tons of traffic every day. Nonetheless, the niche is still wide open to new players, provided they can offer value. hot online business ideas
Another smart idea for standing out is to offer information about postgraduate studies, professional courses (ICAN, etc.), and opportunities to study abroad. You’ll be amazed at the number of Nigerians searching the web for such information every day.
There are many ways to monetize an education blog. You can run contextual ads (Adsense, Ad Dynamo, etc.), sell ad space directly to advertisers, sell post-UTME past questions and answers for different institutions (packaged into PDF format), and consulting/counseling services for people who seem to lost at certain points in their academic pursuits. hot online business ideas
Business Idea
12: Stock market tips/reports blog
To many Nigerians, investing in stocks remains the best way to invest for the long term. Ironically, however, many of these stock investing enthusiasts know little or nothing about stock investment in Nigeria. So, they’ll greatly appreciate any blog that teaches beginners the basic of stock investing as it obtains in Nigeria.
In addition, most investors — beginners and experts — track the price fluctuations in the stock market on a daily basis. If you can provide live stock prices (or daily opening and closing prices, at least) on your blog, you’ll attract a large followership within a short period.
Once your stock market tips and report blog starts to generate decent traffic, you can monetize by rendering stock investment consulting services (this is perfect if you’re a stock broker). You can also write and sell e-books that teach either the basics of stock investing in Nigeria or consistent success tips for stock investors.
Business Idea 13: Healthy eating blog
The healthy eating niche is one of the most lucrative niches that will never pale into insignificance. Internet users are constantly looking for tips on how to live healthy and prevent conditions like cancer and cardiovascular disease by making necessary changes to their diet. They need information on what foods and drinks can help their health or worsen it.
If you have a knack for research and a passion for giving people helpful advice on how to eat healthily, then you can make a lot of money in the long term by starting a healthy eating blog, especially one that is targeted at a global audience rather than a Nigerian audience.
No doubt, there are already a number of strong players in this niche. But a smart way to stand out and gain traction is to streamline your focus. For example, you can restrict your blog to one that features tips on what to eat and what to avoid eating during pregnancy, healthy eating tips for kids, healthy eating tips for seniors, special diets and recipes, and so on.
A healthy eating blog can be monetized through selling e-books on related topics to a global audience (information marketing), running e-courses, running contextual ads (Adsense, Media.net, etc alone can fetch you enough monthly income to sack your boss), affiliate marketing, and offering consulting services.
Business Idea 14: Natural remedies blog
The natural remedies niche is another health niche that offers irresistible profit opportunities. More and more people all over the world are becoming aware of the side effects of some hospital-provided medications. This, coupled with the fact that most prescription drugs and other hospital-provided treatment procedures are expensive, explains why people are now turning towards natural remedies.
Millions of people search the web everyday for natural remedies for various conditions, ranging from mild ones like common cold to serious ones like diabetes and cancer. So, a blog that offers quality information on natural remedies has the potential to start generating huge traffic and revenue within a matter of months. hot online business ideas
hot online business ideas If you can research extensively on natural remedies, then you can start blogging on this niche. You can start small by focusing on a smaller fraction of that niche, and then expand your focus with time.
A successful natural remedies blog can fetch huge profits from contextual ads by Adsense and Media.net. Such a blog can also be monetized through affiliate marketing, direct sales of ad space, e-courses, and e-books.
Business Idea 15: Tech tutorials blog
As with most other countries in the world, Nigeria abounds with tech-based products and services that we all enjoy every day. Although most of these products and services are easy to handle (to some extent), most Nigerians cannot handle it when things get beyond certain points. This is why many Nigerians search the web for tips on how to use the WiFi hotspot feature on their smartphones, tips on how to recharge their satellite TV credits, tips on how to use online payment services, and so on.
If you enjoy helping other people solve their problems and have a knack for anything tech, then you can start a tech tutorials blog targeted at Nigerians. Many people will appreciate your blog for helping them quickly solve common problems they might have with their tech products and services. hot online business ideas
Once a tech tutorials blog starts to generate decent traffic, you can monetize it by selling e-books, running contextual ads, rendering freelance or consulting services, and selling ads space directly to advertisers.
Bear in mind that you need a fine dose of creativity to succeed in this niche, or you’ll end up writing on topics that have been beaten to death on other blogs.
Business Idea 16: Micro niche blog (affiliate marketing)
Affiliate marketing is no doubt one of the easiest ways to make money online. And one of the smartest ways to enrich yourself through this model is to start a micro niche blog aimed at promoting one or few types of products.
Now, slapping up affiliate links all over the web isn’t the right way to make money as an affiliate marketer. hot online business ideasTo convince people to buy the products or services you’re promoting, you need to offer them helpful and valuable information about those products and services. It goes without saying that people only buy products and services because of the benefits they stand to gain from those offers. Those benefits are what you will lay bare to them as an affiliate marketer.
Depending on your passion or interests, you can set up your micro niche blog on any topic. If you’re targeting a Nigerian audience, for instance, you can set up a micro niche blog that discusses inverters, how they are used, how they can be purchased and installed here in Nigeria, and how they can be maintained. Anyone who gets such information from you won’t have any problems buying any inverter you recommend as an affiliate marketer. hot online business ideas
And just so you know, you can promote inverters for Jumia and Konga, and rake in huge profits in affiliate commissions. Aside inverters, you can also generators, low-end Android phones, and other fast selling products in Nigeria.
Similarly, you can target a global audience, and then promote products available on reputable affiliate programs such as Amazon, Markethealth, Commission Junction, and Shareasale. To stand out easily on the global front, consider dedicating your micro niche blog to just one product or few ones that are really selling like crazy. hot online business ideashot online business ideas
Business Idea 17: Micro niche blog (information marketing)
Information marketing is another smart way to make huge profits online in Nigeria. However, most Nigerian information marketers adopt wrong marketing strategies, and this is why they fail.
The basic rules of the information marketing game haven’t changed. It starts with identifying a market of hungry or desperate buyers. For example, you can target young men battling the problem of premature ejaculation or young mothers looking to get fit and slim again after childbirth. Creating a high quality information product that contains valuable information that they will be willing to buy comes next, followed by marketing.
One of the best ways to market your information product is to create a micro niche blog for that product. The blog will be your medium for sharing basic information that your potential buyers will appreciate. Such a blog will help you demonstrate your knowledge and build your credibility. Remember, people will buy only from those they trust to really know their stuff.
In addition to promoting your premium information product on this type of blog, you can also fetch some bucks by the side using Google Adsense.
Business Idea 18: Freelance writing services
More and more Nigerian businesses are trying to establish or strengthen their online presence with the power of quality content — to generate more leads and sales. Similarly, individuals are constantly demanding various types of written content, such as blog posts, articles, e-books, business plans, reports, white papers, sales copies, and so on. These explain why the demand for freelance writers in Nigeria is booming.
If you have good writing skills and a lot of free time on your hands, consider starting your own freelance writing business. Unlike blogging that doesn’t fetch profits instantly, you’ll start making money as a freelance writer as soon as you land your first client.
Freelance writing could be even more profitable if you target foreign clients. But to be able to land gigs from such clients, your writing skills must be impeccable. hot online business ideas
I’m a full-time freelance writer myself, and I earn a major fraction of my monthly income from freelance writing. I’ve been into it for over three years, and I’ve worked with clients from all over the world.
If you’re looking to get started as a freelance writer, this article will help you understand the basics of the business. However, if you have no idea how to get started and you need a detailed step-by-step guide on how to make money as a freelance writer in Nigeria, I’d advise you to get this e-book. hot online business ideas
Business Idea 19: Online marketing services
Because millions of Nigerians now use the internet to find information about products and services they need, Nigerian businesses are trying to capture more customers by launching online marketing campaigns. While the big companies hire in-house professionals for this purpose, most small- and medium-scale businesses can only settle for freelancers and third-party agencies.
If you pride yourself on the ability to launch online marketing campaigns that really generate leads and drive sales, then you can make a lot of money by rendering your services to hundreds of Nigerian companies looking to attract customers online.
Whether you’re a specialist in search engine optimization, pay-per-click and other paid marketing strategies, or social media marketing, you’re good to go. Launch your own online marketing agency, and start raking cool cash.
Bear in mind, however, that you need to launch some sample campaigns and document the results you got with them. If you have no profitable campaigns to demonstrate your expertise to potential clients, you won’t attract any client. Nobody wants to risk losing his or her money.
Business Idea 20: Domain and Website flipping
Domain flipping simply involves registering brandable, “buzzy”, or exact-match domain names for just $10 or even less, and then selling them for top dollars to interested buyers on online domain auction sites like Sedo, Flippa, and Afternic. hot online business ideas
Although not all your domains will sell for top dollars, the few that do will be worth the time and money you invest. Domain names can sell for anything from $100 to several thousands of dollars. The more you understand how to brainstorm for and identify lucrative domain names, the more money you’ll make as a domain flipper. hot online business ideas
Website flipping on the other hand, requires more than just registering a domain name. It requires building a blog around the domain and growing it to the point where it starts generating traffic and income, and then selling it to interested buyers on Flippa.
Some people will install a new blog, put up a few pages and blog posts, and sell it off for just $100 (or less) before repeating the whole process on another blog. Such people don’t make much though, but they can sell a good number of domains within a short period.
However, those who really make four-six dollars per sale are those who take their time to develop a blog into an authority site that generates massive traffic and huge income consistently.
If you understand everything that goes into building a blog from scratch and getting it up to the point where it starts generating some traffic and income, this might just be the best option for you.
Business Idea 21: Email marketing service
hot online business ideas Email marketing remains the most cost-effective online marketing strategy that brings impressive results. Although many Nigerian companies are just fine with paid advertising, many others are spending much less on online marketing by leveraging email marketing.
Email marketing simply involves getting potential customers to subscribe to a company’s mailing list. The company then establishes a relationship with those subscribers with the ultimate aim of converting them into loyal customers. hot online business ideas
A few big companies in Nigeria have in-house staff that man their email marketing campaigns, but most Nigerian businesses, especially the small- and medium-scale businesses, cannot afford that. Instead, they look to hire third party professionals and agencies to help them build an effective email marketing channel.
If you understand everything about email marketing, consider setting up as an email marketing consultant.
Business Idea 22: Reseller hosting service
With more and more Nigerian individuals and businesses looking to set up their websites and blogs, the demand for reliable hosting services is on a steep increase. And there are many ways to make good money from this development. One of them is to start a reseller hosting service.
To become a web hosting reseller, you will first register for a reseller hosting plan with a reputable web hosting company (preferably one based in the U.S.). hot online business ideasAfter registration, you will be assigned disk space and bandwidth of specified capacities. As customers purchase hosting plans from you, you will dedicate a specified fraction of your total disk space and bandwidth to them, until you have nothing left.
You’ll make money as a web hosting reseller by charging your customers monthly or annual fees. From these fees, you pay for your reseller hosting plan and pocket the profits. hot online business ideas
This idea is particularly recommended for website designers and other professionals who handle web projects for several clients.
Business Idea 23: Nigerian superlatives blog
From my experience I’ve figured that Nigerians are always eager to read posts with topics like, “Top 10 most beautiful cities in Nigeria”, “Top 10 best universities in Nigeria”, “10 richest actors in Nigeria”, and so on.
I’m sure you’ve been compelled to read such posts in the past. Well, you’re not alone; several other Nigerians are attracted to such topic, too. And not only do people read such posts, they also share them on social media.
So, any blog set up for the purpose of publishing interesting posts on Nigerian superlatives will grow rapidly because such topics tend to go viral. However, to start such a blog, you must have solid research skills, as you will need to go extra miles to ensure that the information you provide is authentic and citable.
A blog about Nigerian superlatives can be monetized through sales of advert space (advertisers love blogs like this) and display of contextual ads (Adsense, Addynamo, etc.)
Bear in mind that this idea will most likely result in a multi-niche blog. So you need to be versatile writer.
Business Idea 24: Invest in a site/blog on Flippa
Just as you can build and sell websites or blogs on Flippa, you can also buy them on the same website. Sometimes, it’s easier to buy and run and blog that is already generating traffic and income than to start one from scratch. And if you’re looking to start making money instantly from any online business, this is the way to go. hot online business ideas
If you check Flippa at any time, you’ll find websites listed for sale with details of their niche, how much traffic they generate, and how they make money. If you can afford the asking price, join the auction by placing your bid. It goes without saying that you must buy only a website that you can successfully run on your own after acquiring it. hot online business ideas
Just as you would expect, this option is quite expensive. You’ll need hundreds to thousands of dollars to buy a website that is already generating traffic and making money consistently. But the investment would be worth it, provided you bought the right website.
Business Idea 25: Make money online blog
With more and more Nigerians becoming aware of the countless money making opportunities available on the Internet, the make money online niche has become more lucrative than ever. Who doesn’t want to make money from the comfort of their homes? Who doesn’t want to live the “dot com” lifestyle? hot online business ideas
So, starting a blog that shares information on various ways to make money online is a great idea. But it’s only for those who have succeeded at making money online in one way, at least. hot online business ideas Trying to teach people how to make money online when you’re not making money online yourself will only result in wasted time and energy. People are smarter, and they can quickly detect it if you’re fake. hot online business ideas
Most Nigerians who have tried their luck with making money online have been left disappointed. Some have been scammed by snake oil marketers who are hustlers themselves, but pretend to me making six-figures online by flaunting photoshopped screenshots of mouth-watering earnings reports. Others have been frustrated because they didn’t learn the ropes before taking a plunge. The result of all these is that Nigerians have become smarter are now skeptical about jumping at “make money online” opportunities.
Although many Nigerians are still willing to give online business a shot, they will no longer fall for any gimmicks or fake tactics. So, if you don’t have any practical tips to share — with proof that those tips are really working — I’d advise you to steer clear of this niche.
A make money online blog can be monetized in any way you can think of — hot online business ideas direct ad sales, contextual ads, e-books, e-courses, affiliate marketing, consulting, freelancing, and so on. hot online business ideas
Business Idea 26: Relationship and marriage advice blog
Nigerians are constantly seeking for advice on how to keep their relationships and marriages going smoothly. In addition, most Nigerians are eager to read stories about other people’s relationships and marriages — their challenges, their success stories, etc. So, a blog in this niche would attract a large audience quickly, no doubt. hot online business ideas
If you have a passion for helping other people mend faults in their relationships and marriages, this idea might just be the best option for you. hot online business ideasBut you must be able to prove your experience for people to take you seriously. If you’re not married, no married person will ever seek or heed your advice (you know the reasons). hot online business ideas
There are limited options when it comes to monetizing a relationship and marriage tips advice blog. But you can still make a decent income through contextual ads and affiliate marketing.
Business Idea 27: Football blog
Nigerians, especially males, are crazy about soccer. Millions of Nigerian football enthusiasts follow the English Premier League and other foreign football leagues religiously. And now, most discussions among Nigerian men are deemed incomplete without arguments and debates about European football.
Well, it might interest you to know that those debates and arguments hold online, too. This explains why a blog that features news and gist about European football will quickly attract a large audience. So, if you’re a soccer aficionado yourself, starting a football blog is a great idea.
Bear in mind that you must be able to keep abreast of latest happenings in the soccer world, and you must always be ready to post them on your blog. If that means no big deal to you, then you’re good to go.
You can monetize a high-traffic football blog through contextual ads, direct sales of ad space, affiliate marketing (promoting sporting kits, etc.), and selling your own products (such as original jerseys).
And there you have it!
Now, you’ve discovered 27 hot business ideas that can work for anyone here in Nigeria. If you’ve been looking to start blogging or any other online venture but have no idea which option to go for, I’m sure this report will help you make a well informed decision.
Keep off entertainment and celebrity gist blogging
You might be wondering why I have left the idea of starting an entertainment and celebrity gist blog. Make no mistake, the likes of Linda Ikeji and Bella Naija are making money big time in the entertainment niche. hot online business ideas
But the truth is, that niche has been beaten to death. Everyone and their dog now want to become an entertainment and celebrity gist blogger because Linda Ikeji is doing the same. And they end up copying and pasting the same posts and gist that people have read on other blogs. How can you succeed with such a model?
If it took Linda Ikeji 4 years to start making money from blogging at a time when only few people had blogs, you can imagine how long it will take you to start making money from a blog in the same niche now that there are hundreds of thousands of blogs owned by Nigerians. The competition is stiff, and chances are you’ll get lost in the crowd. So, its better you don’t go in there at all. hot online business ideas