CodeLagos 2018 Ends July 31
This is to bring to your Notice that CodeLagos Portal is now Open and available for STUDENT REGISTRATION (PUBLIC LIBRARIES)
What this simply means is that registration is now ongoing for those who are currently Not in school and are available to learn Free Computer codding, from the available Lagos State Government Libraries. It’s important you understand how CodeLagos training session is organized.
Terms and Conditions CodeLagos Portal Open Register Now
1. Applicants must not be younger than 16 years old.
2. Applicants must not currently be enrolled in a formal education institution in Lagos State i.e. Primary, Secondary or Tertiary school.
3. Early bird applicants will be given preference in the selection process.
4. Lagos State Ministry of Education reserves the right to post successful applicants to centers in specific time allotments for coding classes.
5. Lagos State Ministry of Education reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any student who violates the CodeLagos Code of Conduct. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS CODELAGOS
To actualize this vision, CodeLagos will employ a multiple-pronged approach, deploying coding education framework across various platforms, including

CodeLagos Portal Open Register Now
Primary & Secondary Schools – Public/Private
1. Tertiary institutions
2. Public & Private Libraries ….Ongoing
3. Public Spaces e.g Community Centers
4. Online
Coding Education Framework
The Lagos State Ministry of Education, in partnership with the Ministry of Science and Technology, has launched the first state-sanctioned computer programming education framework with clearly stated learning outcomes.
The new coding education framework will provide basic- to proficiency-level competence in Computer Science, Information technology, and digital literacy.
Classes will be set up at Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Institutions. These centers will be facilitated by experienced tutors to deliver the coding education framework in a regular schedule each academic session.
The ratio of Students to Facilitators has been set to achieve an optimum engagement level.
The attention span of each school demographic was considered in setting each class duration.
Public Spaces
Twice a week, regular classes will hold in public spaces in Lagos State including Public Libraries, Digital Libraries and Community Centers.
Facilitators will hold Basic, Foundation and Advanced classes in each of the selected programming languages and anyone can register to learn at their pace. CodeLagos Portal Open Register Now
Facilitators will be trained through local and international partnerships.
Facilitators need not have advanced coding knowledge and skills to apply for the training scheme and the opportunity to tutor classes. If you’d like to apply as a facilitator,
HOW TO REGISTER / Registration Requirements
- Login to http://codelagos.org/out-of-school-student-registration/
- Use this link to visit
- You will be required to enter your First name (This is Stared * Meaning its compulsory you supply your First Name) Example – Applygist – CodeLagos Portal Open Register Now
- Surname – Nexxt, you will be required to provide your Surname (Family name or Fathers Name ) eg Bennett Meaning my Full name is Applygist Bennett,
- Email – You are expected to supply an active email because this will be used to contact you! This is also compulsory
- Phone – Next after Email is Phone. Here you are to enter your Active Phone Number e.g. admin@pplygist.com or Applygist@gmail.com or Applygist@yahoo.com
- Preferred Coding Centre – 1st Choice * Here, you are expected to choose the location where you will be attending your codding lessons. Available locations are – YABA . IKEJA . ISOLO . AGEGE .MILE2 . EPF . ILUPEJU . IKORODU . IPAJA . AJEGUNLE . MEIRAN . ONIKAN
So select one center from the Above locations - Preferred Coding Centre – 2nd Choice * Here you are given yet another opportunity to choose a center closest to you but different from the first one. This is just in case the first center you picked gets filled up, you can be given another.
- Finally, you are to accept the terms and conditions and you are done. (
( Terms and Conditions
1. Applicants must not be younger than 16 years old.
2. Applicants must not currently be enrolled in a formal education institution in Lagos State i.e. Primary, Secondary or Tertiary school.
3. Early bird applicants will be given preference in the selection process.
4. Lagos State Ministry of Education reserves the right to post successful applicants to centres in specific time allotments for coding classes.
5. Lagos State Ministry of Education reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any student who violates the CodeLagos Code of Conduct.)
15. Scroll Up to review your selections, be very sure you are satisfied and click on REGISTER BUTTON
16. Congratulations, you will get the below message. Good Luck!
After registration, you will Get this Message
CodeLagos is coming to a public library near you!
Thank you for applying as a student for the CodeLagos program.
Class batching will be on a rolling basis based on availability of slots with respect to the lesson time and preferred centres you have selected. CodeLagos Portal Open Register Now
We will reach out to you on next steps soon. All the best!
Good New- If you have a very good location, or premise which toy want to make available for this training, the Visit this Page click here