Top Video Games With Awesome Storyline
Top Video Games With Awesome Storyline
Once you’ve played a lot of games you’ll realize that the best games are always the ones with interesting storyline. Storyline is very important In a video game because if you’ve played a lot of games, the ones that would be hard to forget are the ones with a fantastic storyline. So I’ve decided to compile a list of games with great storyline.
Last Of Us
Where most tales of this type are made of good guys and bad guys, heroic challenges and redemptive resolutions, The Last of Us has none of these things. Instead, it has reality. Protagonist Joel is no hero. Neither are his friends. No one at the start of the game is even particularly likeable. They’re just broken people trying to survive a broken world by any means necessary. The eventual change in Joel is a gradual one, forged by the subtle evolution of his relationship with Ellie, as well as the various pockets of humanity and brutality (both of which are experienced in uncompromising extremes) discovered along their journey.
Through delicate, fragile interactions with each other, most often subtly supported by gameplay, both characters change and evolve almost imperceptibly. Yet by the end of the game, they and their relationship are completely unrecognisable. Their story comes with no neatly gift-wrapped solutions. But that is exactly why you’ll care, and ultimately be more affected by The Last of Us than any other action game. Epic and apocalyptic scenario, small and intimate human story. That’s why it works, and that’s why it will stay with you.
Top Video Games With Awesome Storyline

Bio Shock
The mind-bending, time-travelling story of Bioshock Infinite took a sharp turn away from the themes of the legendary first game, sweeping players up in more ways than one into a majestic world of wormholes, multiverses and religious zealotry. As in the previous entry, the plot is driven by another father/surrogate daughter pairing of Booker and Elizabeth. While the player, as Booker, is determined to complete their seemingly straightforward goal of saving ‘the girl’, it soon becomes clear that things are way, way
more complicated than they appear, and that there are forces far beyond your control that you end up being swept up along with, rather than in control of. By the end of the game, when things get seriously inter-dimensional, you’re forced to sombrely accept that you are simply a crucial gear in the machine of destiny, unable to escape the demons of your past. You go from being a high-flying hero who ‘saves the girl’ to a passive being who’s left with no choice but to accept whatever fate must occur, thanks to some massively consequential cogs you first set in motion.
Final Fantasy VI
While later Final Fantasy titles improved the graphics, the plot never got better than in the sixth entry. FF6 tells a sprawling tale about the death of magic at the hands of unethical progress, and it has one of the biggest ensemble casts this side of War & Peace. It allows players to see any of a dozen characters as a fulfilling lead, and all would work in that context. Moments like an impromptu opera performance, the discovery of hidden lineage, or a heroic sacrifice are sprinkled throughout the game, but it’s the bad guy that really steals the show. Kefka is one of the most detestable villains we’ve ever met, and the script does an amazing job of building up the heartless bastard. If FF6 is actually Kefka’s tale, then it’s a well told one indeed.
Metal Gear Solid
There is no game I have played in which whose plot is so brilliantly and intricately developed. A series of plot twists, revelations, and just a general high quality of script writing, this is one amazing game. My all time favorite
Never before have I been so emotionally attached to a video game character than with just about every character in the cast of the Metal Gear Solid franchise. I grew up with this game, even from a very young age I was always desperate to watch my older sister play the first MGS. I remember the final scene of MGS4 vividly, and how it literally caused me to tear up. It’s a deep and powerful storyline. One that should go down history as the best of all time. Keep it number one on this list, heh.
Metal Gear Solid will always remain the best and most emotional story ever, it just has a sense to it that is absolutely amazing. Never have I cared so much about characters like; Big Boss, Revolver Ocelot, The Boss, and so on.
Legend Of Zelda
Legend of Zelda has such a complex, fantastic, yet relatable story… The almost 20 games in the series, while at first seeming unrelated, are all connected with a story that spans the centuries and dimensions, creating a rich history full of grandeur. LEGEND is right.
And not only that – the emotion of each game, the poignant details, make us form a connection to the story. There is such a strong attachment to the land of Hyrule, the story of the fight of good against evil, because WE are in it. WE are Link, and we are in his world – each and every time.
Top Video Games With Awesome Storyline
What’s best is that everyone can relate to these games. They aren’t overly violent or inappropriate. Yet at the same time, there are very mature themes, subtle messages, that give the story such meaning. Both kids and adults – really, people of all ages – can appreciate the fine and detailed (and EPIC) storytelling of the Legend of Zelda.
I believe this deserves to be first on the list. The story is fantastic. It is filled with mystery, magic, and teaches values. It is heart-warming and so emotion filled. It is complex yet easy for the player to understand. It teaches that everyone has a story to tell. That are also clues in the games that foreshadow. For example, in Ocarina of Time, still considered one of the best games of all time, there’s a drawing on Link’s tree house of a boy fighting what appears to be a giant dinosaur. In Skyward Sword, you fight The Imprisoned, a giant beast that resembles a dinosaur. 13 years later. This game in incredible and everyone can relate to it in some way. –
Adult Link learns the Song of Storms from Guru-Guru, the windmill guy. Guru-Guru mentions a kid who played it 7 years ago and messed up the windmill. After playing it, Guru-Guru gets angry. Link then goes back in time 7 years to when he was a 9 year old kid. He goes back to the windmill and plays the Song of Storms for Guru-Guru. The windmill gets messed up. But ig Guru-Guru only knew the song because 9 year old Link played it, and 9 year old Link only knew it because adult Link went back and time, and adult Link only knew it because Guru-Guru taught it to him, then where did the song originate from? It is a bootstrap paradox.
It’s things like these that make The Legend of Zelda so complex, yet so amazing. There is another similar paradox in Skyward Sword regarding the Gate of Time, but it would take way too long to explain. Vote Legend of Zelda. It obviously has the best story.
Unbelievably amazing, regardless of age.
Red Dead Redemption
Some of the greatest film Westerns deal with the death of the Old West, and Red Dead Redemption strikes gold exploring that subject. Protagonist John Marston is a man out of time. He wants a steady home life, but is pushed back into the saddle by government agents who hold his outlaw past over his head. Marston has to hunt down his old posse of bandits, effectively killing off the last remnants of the era that defined him. And it’s not just Marston and his former friends that have trouble transitioning into the 20th century. Over and over John meets individuals coming to terms with the end of the West, whether happily or through gritted teeth. Marston himself wants to leave his past behind despite being so good with his revolver, which makes him easier to connect with than every previous Rockstar hero. The ultimate question is: will the world allow him the happy ending he deserves?
Top Video Games With Awesome Storyline
Chrono Trigger
Time travel doesn’t have the best track record as a narrative tool. In Chrono Trigger, though, the device shines as a source of storytelling finesse. The game starts simply enough at a town festival, but soon the unassuming Crono and his friends are thrown into a massive adventure where he makes friends with cavemen, cursed knights, and robots searching for humanity. And you find a way to connect to all of them. The ever-shifting world Chrono travels has much to teach about the human condition. Technology may change, but people always have the same capacity for love, greed, devotion, hate, and honor no matter the era. And the storytellers knew when to create quiet moments to let the players get close enough to see some characters in a whole new light. Keeping tracks of timelines might be complicated, but the characters’ motivations never were.
Top Video Games With Awesome Storyline
Walking Dead
Clementine, a young girl whose parents were vacationing in another city when the zombie apocalypse happened. Their unexpected journey takes them to Savannah, where her parents should be, and along the way you meet a cast of characters who you grow to love (or hate with a burning passion). It’s okay though, because there are instances when your choices affect their chances of staying in your group. The game’s strengths are its dialogue and character development, and it’s impossible not to feel sad, guilty, or angry whenever Clementine witnesses or experiences anything horrible. It’s a given that when the dead start walking that there will be gruesome scenes, but the pacing, the execution of each scenario made The Walking Dead stand out.