5 Facts About Female Gamers You Might Not Know
5 Facts About Female Gamers You Might Not Know

Even if there are female gamers, they are seen as a minority in a male-dominated community. This is probably because most games are masculine in nature, focusing on sports, zombies, and killing bad guys. And let’s face it, there are more girls who like fashion more than kicking butt.
But the girls who enjoy kicking butt don’t care that other girls are not interested in the games they play. They don’t care that they are outnumbered by male players in Grand Theft Auto or Battlefield 4. They don’t care because many of them know they can kick the boys’ butts and still look pretty in a dress!!! . Yes, female gamers today break stereotypes. Some fit the boyish image, while others are feminine. Either way, they are not to be underestimated in the, battlefield. Female gamers are good, and can even be better than male players.
Below are 5 other facts about female gamers you didn’t know:
Female gamers are attracted to action-adventure games like Word of Warcraft. Fun, fearless females?
5. Females have game preferences
In the past, games tailored for female gamers were based on girl-oriented material like Barbie , Nancy Drew , and The Baby-Sitters Club . Now girls are just as hardcore as boys, and can play the same games boys play. Female gamers are found to be interested in action-adventure games like World of Warcraft and Second Life. They also like role-playing games with in-game communication and interpersonal relationships like character development and plot dynamics. But that doesn’t mean they can’t play games with fast-paced action and combat. Female players are just as diverse as male ones.
Ms. Pac-Man didn’t need to take off her clothes to become the most successful American-produced arcade game
4. It has been suggested that video games with female heroes don’t sell as much
According to the Electronic Entertainment Design and Research (EEDAR), “there’s a sense in the industry that games with female heroes won’t sell.” In effect, these kinds of games receive smaller budgets than games with male heroes. In fact, games with female-only protagonists receive only 40% of the budget allotted for games with male-only protagonists. But take a look at Ms. Pac-Man. Not only is she the first female protagonist in an arcade game, she is also the most successful American-produced arcade game. Two things are great about Ms. Pac-Man: she started only as an enhancement kit for the male Pac-man, and she didn’t need to take off her clothes to sell games. Now that’s girl power right there.
We’re not sure why anyone would want to look like this female orc, but different strokes for different folks!
5 Facts About Female Gamers You Might Not Know
3. Female characters are often sexualized, and they have an effect on female gamers
Studies have shown that sexualized female characters in video games have an effect on the self-esteem of female gamers. It has been found that female gamers identify with their characters and base their appearances on them. If they can’t achieve the look, it has a negative effect on their self-confidence. That’s why Mark Morkhaime, CEO of Blizzard Entertainment (who developed World of Warcraft), said that “We are challenging ourselves to draw from more diverse voices within and outside of the company and create more diverse heroes and content.” That means female characters of all shapes, sizes, and number of clothing!
You don’t need to let her win, she can win on her own
5 Facts About Female Gamers You Might Not Know
2. They play just as hard as men
A research by social media network Pixwoo revealed that women are just as likely to become gamers like men, and they spend just as much time playing games as men. This means dating between gamers can revolve around playing their favorite games instead of having to go out! But of course, it’s still important to treat your gamer girlfriend like a girl and spoil her every now and then.
1. There are many of them
This is pretty basic, but did you know that half of all gamers are females? According to a study by the Entertainment Software Association last year, 45% of gamers and 46% of habitual video game purchasers are women. Magid Advisors also found that 70% of girls aged 12 to 24 play video games. In the UK, there are actually more female gamers than males! If only developers could make a game where the damsel in distress is a man…
5 Facts About Female Gamers You Might Not Know