Articulating on free Internet tips, browsing the internet & running stuff online could be quite awful, the internet is an essential source to get valuable information, to access the internet it involves some processes which requires paying a network provider to get an internet service, it fortunate we often make subscription to buy data plan in order to access the internet, but running out of fund without been able to purchase a data subscriptions could deny you access to the internet. However, craving for free internet connection will be an option to keep up with online trends, social media, information research, and other online activities. Nevertheless creebtech provide unique content on free internet tips, try to keep up with our frequent update often publish.

Dealing with free internet tips there are series of network providers that permit free internet connection across the world, and they are network providers that charge for internet service. You bear in mind that free internet connection isn’t guaranteed by all network providers. The complication of getting a free internet connection varies from network provider or country region. As suggestions & requests have been made from African folks, on how to get the free internet connection working across African countries, 9mobile appears to be a great network provider, where users can enjoy free internet connection working in Nigeria & other related countries across Africa.
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Currently, in Nigeria you can browse freely on 9mobile network with a cap metric of 150Mb daily, but it involves a VPN Application to get a free connection to the internet and also power other online mobile applications which support web access. Once you exhaust the 150Mb offer from 9mobile you won’t be able to get a free connection to the internet until the next day. Because the process is renewable every 24hrs, but with multiple 9mobile Sim cards you will be able to bypass the limit of 150Mb daily, which means once you exhaust 150Mb on 9mobile network you can switch to another 9mobile Sim to keep up with the connection via the VPN apps. Also, charges are applied when you exhaust the free 150MB assigned daily, literally one once the 150 MB is exhausted VPN disconnect automatically then if you have a data plan on your sim you Will be charged from your data plan if you wish to continue using the internet but if you are out of data and you have empty data or airtime your internet connection terminate until you make a data subscriptions. Below are some guides on how to get the free 150Mb daily on 9mobile read carefully and don’t skip a step.
How to Get A Free 150Mb Daily On 9Mobile
✔ Register 9Mobile Sim
✔ 3G/4G Android Phone
✔ A VPN Application
Below are some steps involved to get an instant connection read carefully and apply the instruction stated below
📍 STEP 1: Download & Install the Ha tunnel VPN from Playstore or the link provided below
📍 STEP 2: Run the application, read the pop up welcome message, Join their telegram group if you wish, or better still skip the Message by clicking on the cancel button
📍 STEP 3: From the Home, screen Interface click the three-dotted icon at the top right corner, and then click on the check update option to run an update on server and connection mode
📍 STEP 4: After Updating the tweak & server, You are ready to go! Turn on Your data connection, then stay on the ha tunnel homepage and turn off the custom setup button if it’s turned on by default.
📍 STEP 5: Click below connection mode dropdown arrow, and a list of different network tweak with Your country flag will display. Select 9Mobile 150 Mb with a Nigeria flag, Next, make sure the select server is set to USA or any Other country server.
Lastly, click on the connect button & wait till it’s connected. To verify if the VPN is connected You would find a VPN icon or a key icon at the top of Your phone screen, You can minimize the app and enjoy Free browsing with a cap metric of 150Mb.
NB: If You Find it Difficult to get a stable connection, try out some method by rebooting Your phone if it is still not connecting turn on & turn off airplane mode then connect if it is still not connecting try again after some time sometimes network issue results in a difficult connection.
Stark VPN is an alternative to Ha tunnel VPN if you find it difficult to get a connection with ha tunnel VPN, Stark VPN should be Your next option below are some steps to get connected
📍 STEP 1: Download & Install the Stark VPN from Playstore or the link provided below
📍 STEP 2: Run the application, follow up with the welcome message, or better still skip the process
📍 STEP 3: From the Home, screen Interface click on select tweak/custom settings click on the update button download below, it requires little amount of data to update the latest network tweak.
📍 STEP 4: After Updating the tweak & server, You are ready to go! Turn on Your data connection, then stay on the Stark VPN homepage.
📍 STEP 5: From the updated tweak, scroll down till you find 9Mobile 150Mb daily click on it.
Lastly, click on the red icon button & wait till it’s connected. To verify if the VPN is connected You would find a VPN icon or a key icon at the top of Your phone screen, You can minimize the app and enjoy Free browsing with a cap metric of 50Mb.
NB: If You Find it Difficult to get a stable connection, try out some method by rebooting Your phone if it is still not connecting, turn on & turn off airplane mode then connect if it is still not connecting try again after some time sometimes network issues result in a difficult connection.
If this piece of information helps a lot please share and support and also feel free to ask a question if you face complications when trying to connect the VPN.
How to Get A Free 150Mb Daily On 9Mobile