Electroneum EASIEST Cryptocurrency in the world to integrate via API
Web and Business Owners can now accept Electroneum API payment First Ever find out how
It was one of the best news to me when I got an email from Electroneum, a renowned cryptocurrency that broke one time record when it was launched. I cam to know about them a little bit late when ICO sales were over. Token Sale ICO start dated by 13 Sep 2017, roughly a year ago, and over 40,000,000 USD was raised in crowdfunding for the project. According to a report by Icorating.com, 21 Billion is the maximum number of Electroneum coins. 6 Billion Electroneum coins were pre-mined for the ICO 20 Million of those pre-mined coins are for an Electroneum Bounty Campaign. Electroneum coins not distributed in the ICO or Bounty campaign are going to be used to increase the hash rate of mobile miners in the initial months to encourage platform growth.

I had a friend who bought over 10,000 of these coins for less than $10 and he sold 1000 coins to meat $10, sooner or later after launch on cryptocurrency Exchange the 2018 Bitcoin bubble rocked the cryptocurrency world.
Electroneum sees herself as the mobile based cryptocurrency dedicated blockchain, forked and modified from Bytecoin. Minimises GPU usage and promotes CPU usage, allowing mobile mining. Free app for iOS and Android allows coin acquisition via mobile mining experience. This after a year led to this amazing innovation were the group are now the first of its kind to provide one of the easiest ways for business owners to accept payment on online stores and services using a simple API integration system.
What really is so special about this anyway?
If you are not very familiar with cryptocurrency, you may not really understand what these innovations mean. Unlike the regular currency, which could be transferred and used as simple as possible, cryptocurrency is more complex digital currency which exists in electrical form and can only be transferred or used electronically. Strong computing technology is used to build cryptocurrency that makes them secure and give reasons in any way real value.
According to a publication made to its users, the company announced on 19th of September 2018, the release of the API features which will help merchants accept payment in real time without waiting for the usual blockchain confirmations which could take longer time. Richard Ells made this revelation Applygist.com saying;
A year ago we had a vision of creating a cryptocurrency that is so simple to use and acquire that almost EVERYBODY can access it. We focus on the 99%, where everyone else is focussed on the 1%.
Easy access for users was the first step and we’ve now had over 1m app installs and we’re proud to say the Electroneum app has the same retention level as Instagram (®)!
The second step was going to be harder to achieve, and it’s taken us nearly a year to deliver it, but it’s now available for ALL users and global vendors!
The Electroneum Instant Payment API system for Vendors is now open and in BETA.
We’ve made integrating cryptocurrency payments ridiculously EASY. Normally, cryptocurrencies are inherently difficult things to integrate into tills or e-commerce systems. Blockchains are not like databases. Their decentralized nature means they do some odd things, like allow a transaction with a VALID TX ID to be rejected later by the blockchain (hence the requirement for blockchain confirmations, which take time), they are very s-l-o-w compared to database systems, as it takes time to reach consensus.
Electroneum has combined instant transactions and ease of integration in a single system.
We have made integrating Electroneum as easy as integrating with Stripe (®) or PayPal (®) by creating the first cryptocurrency with an API interface for payments. Every web agency in the world understands integrating API interfaces, but hardly any understand blockchain. Even better, our system is truly instant. Our API gives an INSTANT notification to the vendor (shop or online store owner) that the payment is on the way. The vendor is assured of the payment, which allows instant checkout. The user can walk out of the coffee shop with their coffee, or the user can checkout online (buying their airtime top up for instance) without having to wait for the blockchain.
The system has been live and open for Beta testers for less than a week but we’ve already seen some impressive integrations and integration into the largest Point of Sale software in Egypt
Professional integration of easy payments & pro video skills! (ETN Academy)
Largest Point of Sale software system in Egypt (we forgive the slightly less professional video – as it’s a HUGELY important step for ETN)
ETN is now the FASTEST and EASIEST cryptocurrency!
Electroneum is now the EASIEST cryptocurrency in the world to integrate (via our vendor API) – and it’s also the FASTEST cryptocurrency payment system in the world!
eCommerce Payment Gateways on the way…
We are working with a number of generous users to create instant payment integrations for the most popular shopping cart systems including Woocommerce & Magento. We are also looking for experienced coders to create ETN payment gateways for Opencart, Omnipay, Drupal, Jigoshop, easydigitaldownloads & more! We will keep you posted.
Would you like to be part of the instant payment Beta test?
If you have an online business, log in to your https://my.electroneum.com dashboard and click on VENDOR SETTINGS in the menu. Click ENABLE BETA ACCESS to get started! There’s no delay, you’ll have instant access.
Integrating Instant Payment API
You will find instructions for integrating the BETA program via our new community forum:
If you need any help – feel free to reach out to the community or our team via the community forum:
Phone 2 Phone instant notifications
Currently any transaction between phones gives an instant notification to the receiver that the ETN is on the way – but the receiver has to know it’s coming and click ‘refresh’ to their in-app notifications. We know that’s not ideal, but it’s only temporary to allow us to get this live API in to BETA testing. We are rolling out PUSH notifications in October 2019, which will allow the receiver’s phone to notify them that ETN is on the way EVEN IF THEY DON’T HAVE THE ELECTRONEUM APP OPEN!
Electroneum Advertising Starts October 2018
Now our API is available and KYC (know your customer) is announced we are starting a large push for additional partners, agents, and vendors.
We have a plan for October to start recruiting additional MVNO Mobile Operator partners, as we should have our first MVNO accepting ETN payments by or during October. A live partner will demonstrate to others the benefits of partnering with Electroneum and open the door to far more.
We will target vendor acquisition through a targeted ad campaign and use our Mobile Operator partnerships to bring on an Agent network.
October will be an exciting month!
Electroneum Promoting YOUR business…
Don’t forget we’d love to promote YOUR business to our large audience of users and we might choose you as a showcase partner to be included in our wider advertising and promotion. Just get our instant payment API integrated into your shop or online store and we’ll help get the message out.
Have a great day everyone,
Richard Ells
Founder, Electroneum.com