Airtel Free Facebook Service Now Capped at 20MB Per Day
Facebook Service
This is a bad news for airtel subscribers who are benefiting from the free Facebook service simply known as freebasic which allows them access Facebook and chat for free even though pictures are videos are blocked on the free mode
In Nigeria, both Airtel and 9Mobile offers free Facebook services and people has been enjoying it. But no one expected this news this new year. I think it’s a bad way to welcome your subscribers to a new year.
I just received the message from Airtel notifying me that the freebasic (free Facebook) service is no more unlimited but capped at certain data volume. Here is the message below;

Whether this is as a result of recession or fuel scarcity, my friends I don’t know but let’s take it the way we see it. Although I don’t use freebasic because those pictures are so important and I can’t be restricted to just Facebook and few other sites in the name of freebasic so I try my best to make sure there is active data plan on my phone 24/7. What about you.
Only time will tell if 9Mobile will join this BAD trend that Airtel just started.