Lend Get 35% Monthly
Lend Out And Get Up To 35% Monthly
Here is another opportunity to make cool cash by just lending out to trusted people and get 35% Month ending
Have you been thinking of a somewhere rellaibable place to lend money out and then get some reward? yes don’t leave that money in the bank when it can grow over 35% Monthly. Billionaires don’t store money, they invest money

Lend Get 35% Monthly
Ever heard of GRX coin? Probably not! It’s actually new and to keep it short, it’s in the category of those cryptos that try to emulate Bitconnect coin in terms of the lending feature that it has! There are quite a lot of them these days actually, namely:
here’s what the website has to say about the lending feature of the coin:
Get up to 35% monthly lending GRX!
You can invest GRX Tokens in the Gold Reward lending platform exclusively from the Gold Reward Dashboard. This investment option involves profiting from Gold Reward crypto-analytic trade automation engine (CATA-E). CATA-E will give daily profit based on your investment option. Upon investment term completion, you will receive your CAPITAL BACK to take out from the Gold Reward lending platform or optionally reinvest back in lending platform to continue receiving daily profit.
So, that’s it!
there’s nothing special about their lending system and am not really impressed by it neither am i greedy enough(i wish i am) to be seeking higher rates than what they provide right now – 35%.
Take a look:
Lend Out And Get Up To 35% Monthly
just straight 1% daily. that’s just normal and proven to work.
However, there is a Limit to which you can earn Referral commisions from a single downline! and they have pegged it @ $200 per downline. I think that’s a way of introducing a bit of sanity into the system and i equally like it! Lend Get 35% Monthly
Away from GoldRewards lending, How about other Features and Uses of the coin?
GoldRewards is equally posing as a coin that has something to do with Analytics and i believe this is about keeping track of things like website analysis although i do not know how this one quite fits in here!
i mean what’s the relationship between a lending coin and analytics? Perhaps, Goldrewards is just seeking for more relevance in other spaces.
It’s important to note that Goldrewards does not pose as a currency like bitcoin though. at least they are being sincere i guess.
GoldRewards ICO
Yeah, you can actually participate in the ICO token sales which is about to start come October 14th!
this is the information on the Goldrewards website concerning the ICO token sales:
Token Name: GOLD Reward Token
Abbreviation: GRX
Available Token Supply: 20,000,000GRX
Available Token for ICO: 17,500,000GRX (87.5% of Total Supply)
Token Distribution during ICO
Pre-Sale: 5,000,000GRX (4,500,000 + 10% in bonuses)
ICO Round 1: 4,500,000GRX (4,050,000 + 10% in bonuses)
ICO Round 2: 4,000,000GRX (3,700,000 + 7.5% in bonuses)
ICO Round 3: 4,000,000GRX (3,760,000 + 6% in bonuses)
12.5% of total GRX tokens have been offered to strategic investors and partners. This enabled the GRX project to kick-off and provides funding for advertisement and campaign. GRX Tokens held by strategic investors are frozen until 6 months after Crowd sale has ended.
All leftover tokens will be burnt after the Crowd sale except otherwise decided by the community. We are very optimistic there will be no leftovers.
GoldRewards ICO sale
starts on October 14th!