We would Learn How you can spy and Hack any whatsapp Account Using Clone Wahtsapp Spyer
If you can remember our Last Aritcle Hack and Become any Group Whatsapp Admin, where we shared the tricks you can use to Hack people on whatsapp, Here is another opportunty to hack any whatsapp Account using this all called Whatapp Cone. In this tutorial we woul look at HOW WHATSAPP CLONE WORKS (CLONE WHATSWEB) in very simple procedure. SPY ON SOMEONE WHATSAPP ACCOUNT
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NOTE: The information here is for educational purposes. This can ruine a relationship or union so I’m not responsible for anything that arises after you have used this feature. Also remember it’s against human right and even WhatsApp TOC to spy on someone’s whatsapp chat without his or her consent!Clone WhatsWeb is an Android app that allows you spy on someone’s whatsapp chats through your phone.
WhatsApp is world’s most popular IM platform with billions of users globally on daily basis but while it has being very useful in most cases, sometimes it can be used wrongly. Flirters has used WhatsApp to conide with their side chicks, arrange days and venues of meeting and lots more. So if you really want to know who your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfried is chatting with on WhatsApp, you can download this clone version but…

Just as the name implies, WhatsApp Clone is a ha~cked version of the original WhatsApp but it makes use of the QR code to connect any whatsapp account. This is similar to what the original whatsapp web does. Once the QR code of a whatsapp account is scanned, it will automatically authenticate and connect. Hence you will be receiving all messages from that account in your phone while the person will also be receiving messages and chatting normally without knowing. WhatsApp Clone allows you to run two WhatsApp on your smart devices (Your own and someone else ). SPY ON SOMEONE WHATSAPP ACCOUNT
1. You can clone your work account to your personal phone/tablet or vice versa.
2. You can use same WhatsApp account on mobiles and tablets.
3. You can have 2 WhatsApp account in same mobile.
4. Send and receive messages, pictures or even videos from your friends and family with Clone WhatsApp easily!
5. You can secure your Clone WhatsWeb for whatsapp with Password.
6. You can easily catch your boyfriend, girlfried, husband/wife who is cheating on you
1 Your Android Phone
2 WhatsApp Clone App (Clone WhatsWeb)
3 Access to your victim’s whatsapp account
4 Internet connection on both devices.
1 First, download Clone WhatsWeb App apk
2 Next, Install the Clone WhatsWeb app
3 You can enter a new password to secure your WhatsApp clone (this is optional)
4 Launch the Whatsapp Clone app you installed and you’ll see a QR code
5 Then open the victims phone>from the chat screen>Navigate to menu> WhatsApp web
6 Now scan the QR code to the victims WhatsApp Web
Once you do that, all the messages will be loaded on your device automatically and you can now see and become a monitoring spirit following your unfortunate victim.
One major drawback to this trick is that you need to have access to your victim’s whatsapp account to scan the QR code to activate it. It’s a one time activation. Once it’s done, you are good to go. SPY ON SOMEONE WHATSAPP ACCOUNT
That’s how you can check, spy and snoop on anyone’s whatsapp chat without them knowing but in some phones though, the owner is notified when whatsapp web is active.
Hack WhatsApp Account : Two Easy Working Methods and their Fix
Hack WhatsApp Account : Two Easy Working Methods and their Fix
Whatsapp is the most popular Messaging platform that is used by billions of people across the world. Whatsapp has become very popular because of its attractive and striking features such as cross-platform messaging service, Online media sharing, Free Messaging service, voice calling etc. Most of the smartphone users such as for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone, and Nokia are fascinated towards WhatsApp messenger as it provides innovative and amazing features.
People can share their views, images and much more using their own Whatsapp account. It would be more fun by hacking your friend’s account. Accessing the account of some other people like friends, relatives, and beloved ones always sounds interesting. It may not be for bad reason, but sometimes you like to view other’s account. People have many queries regarding How to Hack Whatsapp account? Here, you can find simple steps for hacking some other’s account. Follow these easy steps and HACK WhatsApp account. ENJOY!!!
Techniques to Hack Whatsapp Account
Whatsapp account of your friends or some others can be hacked by following few methods. There are mainly two methods of accessing other’s WhatsApp account. We are giving you detailed information regarding the techniques for hacking or accessing one’s WhatsApp account. Follow these simple steps and enjoy hacking your friends’ WhatsApp account. SPY ON SOMEONE WHATSAPP ACCOUNT
Technique 1: MAC Spoofing
A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a 12-character unique identifier assigned to the network adapter of your WiFi device. A MAC address can be used to uniquely identify the smartphone of your friend whom you want to hack the Whatsapp account on the Internet or the local network.
If you want to access the WhatsApp account of your friend, you need to find the MAC address of their account. Follow the below steps in order to hack your friend’s account.