Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Script
Here is how to Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Scrip for android and PC Users
Hello guys am back again with the new freebitco.in script! but this time we wanna earn real btc not satoshis lolz, Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Script
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so first u must have a balance of 0.001btc to 0.01btc b4 u can u this script,, so lets get started,
*First register @ FREEBITCO
*Then deposit 0.001btc or more
*Then click on multiplyBtc
*Then click on AUTOBET (note: dont edit anything on the screen)
*Then right click on ur mouse in ur browser
*Then click on INSPECT_ELEMENT?!
*Then click on the CONSOLE option
*Then past the script there and click ENTER
Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Script
DOWNLOAD the script app for android HERE
i deposit 0.01btc and i earned 0.007btc in 3hours+ Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Script
its really gonna be sold cheap! @ (price:0.0035btc)
Download the script HERE
contact me to get the link password! my contact info is below

Android Smart Faucet Rotator is a must have app for those who want to earn satoshi everywhere. I started developing and using this app 2 months ago.
I looked for something easy, smart and customizable in Google Store but I couldn’t find any application, so I started the development and used this app for myself, trying to create a complete app to manage faucet and earn satoshi.
The main features I wanted to imlpement are:
– keep track the highest faucet and propose to claim the highest faucet available based on claim time.
– disable unwanted AD, especially the AD that open automatically without clicking anywhere.
– preload the next faucet, to have it ready to claim!
Example 1:
When I have about half an hour free time, I usually rotate 20-30 faucet, starting from the highest payout (~1000-1500 satoshi) and I realized that playing with BitCoinker, I can claim about 2 times, but I need to remember last time I claimed and wait at least 15 mins. So with this app, I just start the TOP Rotator (my custom rotator) and pass 20-30 mins without thinking on what faucet claim the next. All is done by the app.
Example 2:
I really hate all website with pop-ad, f*ck*** annoying popup that auto-open when you click on the claim button or somewhere on the website. Well, I added a feature to capture all external links and provide an Android popup telling you if you are sure to go outside the website:
this is just an informative example. Nothing to do with the faucet in the example. Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Script
I really love this feature. I click on AD 3-4 times a days on honest faucet just to be sure they’ll continue their work and provide high payments. But I really hate dishonest admin faucet.. you’ll never gain a click from myself and you’ll be banned from my rotators.
After one month of myself testing, I decided to give all you the possibility to use my app for many reasons:
Feedback: I’m looking for feedback to improve the app
Testing: since Android is a fragmented world, it’s always hard to have a stable version bugfree for all devices
Features: Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Script
Android 4.0+
Up to 400 faucet
Faucet list daily updated and synced with server-side
Alert when you click on an AD! Stop opening unwanted AD inserted by dishonest faucet admin.
Fixed rotator: BTC, LTC, DOGE, PEER, DASH. Start from the highest profitable faucet and keep track of claim time
TOP Rotator: the one I configured for myself with a mixture of altcoin faucet
Special Rotator: containing special faucet (time faucet, game faucet, claim whenever you want etc.)
Configure rotator: now it’s possible to configure the TOP Rotator, by deleting faucet or moving up/down in the faucet list
Settings: scan the qrcode representing your coin address
On every faucet loaded, just paste your address, it will be available on the clipboard
Cache: once you claimed on a website, next time you dont need to insert again the coin address
Report faucet: insufficients funds? not loading? impossible to claim? brocken url? low rewards? Just report and the faucet will be reviewed
Earn 0.007btc Using Freebitco.in Script
NEW: create your own custom rotator
NEW: preload the next faucet, to have it ready in notime
NEW: tour, to help setup and customize the app
NEW: Tip Toast to help claim difficult faucet
NEW: Bypass anti-bot click and timer!
NEW: Submit form available on top-right menu!
NEW: Login system
NEW: Desktop version and sync option
Please email me for the password to open the script.
Only limited period
Hello https://applygist.com/
My name is Arturo Sanchez and I was wondering if I can get a Trial version of the Script in order for me to test it and get some Capital to pay for a Monthly or longer membership.
What’s the deal for the password pls
Password please I need it
password pls