Nigerian Immigration Service recruitment application
Applications are hereby inVited from suitably qualified candidates for full-time appointments to fill existing vacancies in the following posmons in the Nigeria Immigration Service:
POSITIONS – Nigerian Immigration Service recruitment application
CATEGORY: Su intendant Cadre
Assistant Superintendent of Immigration ll ASI ll GeneralDUi CONPASSOB
Applicants must possess first degree from recognized

CATEGORY B: inspectorate Cadre
(i) Senior Inspector of Immigration Sii DirtCOMPASSS 08: Applicants must be holders of HND obtained from recognized institutions.
(it) gleam Inspector of Immigration All General Duty, Secretaries and Other S iaiized Fields
COMPASS as Applicants must be holders cit NCE / ND obtained
from recognized institutions.
CATEGORY C: Mont Cader
Immi ration Assistant lutenent General Du COMPASS 03: Applicants must be holders of Ordinary Level SSCE/GCFJ NECO or their equivalents with a minimum of tour (4) Credits in not more than two (2)5ittings which should include English and Mathematics from recognized institutions.
CATEGORY 0: Assistant Cadre
Immi ration Assistant HI IA” ARTISANS COMPASS 03
Motor driver/Mechanism
Applicants must be holders of Ordinary Level SSCE, or its
equivalents and appropriate Trade Test certificates.
Application is online through
Candidates are a to print out the referee form which
must be duly completed for submission during screening.
SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS – Nigerian Immigration Service recruitment application
Applications should be submitted online Within six (6)weeks
oi this publication
i. Applicant must be Nigerian by birth.
ii. Applicants must possess the requisite qualifications and Certificates Any certificate or qualification not declared and accepted at the recruitment centre shall not be accepted after recruitment.
iii Applicant must be medically ht and present certificate of
medical fitness from any government hospital.
iv. Applicant must be oi good character and must not have been convrcted oiany criminal oilence:
v. Applicant must not be a member of a secret seeiety, cult. adrug addicte t.c ;
vl. Applicant must be free trorn hnanCial embarrassment:
vli Applicant must be between the ages a! 1&30 years.
Vlii Applicant’s height must not be less than 1.65m for males and 1 .60m tor lemales;
VIii Applicant’s chest measurement or not less than 0 87m for men.
Ix. Computer literacy WI” be an added advantage.
Applicants with any of the following disabilities need not apply:
i. Impediment in speech (stammerer dumb) ii Gross malformation
ii Gross malformation of teeth
iii. Knocked knees
Iv. Bent knees
v. Bow legs
vi. K-Iegs
vii. Flat toot
viii. Limb legs
ix. Bent arms/deformed hands fracture
x. Detective eye Sight (squint-eye, crossed eye. one-eyed and total blindness)
xl. Amputation of any part of physical body
xii. Hearing impaired (deal)
xiii Hunched back
xw. Obesity
xv. Pregnancy
xvi. Medical challenges and any other physical deformity
not mentioned
QQMELLIEELBASEDIESI There shall be computer based test tor shortlisted
candidates. Appropriate time and date shall be communicated to such persons.
Candidates are expected to log into the website his and submit the application form online THIS APPLICATION iSABSOLUTELY FREE CLOSING
All applications are expected to be made Within six (6) weeks from the date of this publication.