Glo 0.00kb free browsing cheat back
Glo 0.00kb free browsing cheat is back again via latest AnonyTun VPN app for Android

Also for my Jamaican Digicel users, this year 2017, don’t forget it has not been easy getting free internet for you guys, we had the following
READ>>>>Settings for Digicel free browsing – Cell Phone Deals ,Free
READ>>>> Digicel Internet Tweakware Setup PNGITFS – Pro VPNS free
READ>>>> Tweakware & PNGITFS Pro VPNS free
All said and done, my Boss wizytechs Boss last night, tried testing and reconnecting the cheat and guess what, it connected but didn’t last.
Note: I tested it with AnonyTun VPN and with a SIM with 0.00kb balance. Also my Glo 3G network is very strong and stable. Below is the settings I used. You can try it out yourself and see what happens.
Glo 0.00kb free browsing cheat back
First, I created a new APN via phone settings
✔ Glo APN name – WizyTechs
✔ APN – 176.90.6868.67:4430@_Ultra
✔ Then saved
✔️ After that, I downloaded AnonyTun VPN
✔️ Then opened anonytun VPN
✔️ Changed the TCP to – HTTP
✔ INPUT URL to or ffff.bbbb.qqqq.eeee.tttt/
✔ Then tick keep alive
✔ Tick keep host
✔ And tick user agent then generate and save
The connect.
After this, it connected but didn’t last long. Let me see what happens at your end when you connect. Try and test it and drop your experience via the comments box. Glo 0.00kb free browsing cheat back
Don’t forget to comment, like and share your thoughts and your browsing experience so far with this Modded apps.
Your comment are highly needed and welcome .
Enjoy guys
Anonytun Vpn Beta 5.0 Crack Apk Download [English] How To Install The New Beta Version Of Anonytun
1. Uninstall any other version of Anonytun app.
2. Install this beta version and proceed to configure it, finally connect the vpn.
What Can The Cracked Anonytun Beta Vpn Do?
1. It can access any website that you usually visit.
2. Streaming of videos from your favourite websites.
3. It hides your real IP address, thereby shielding you with a virtual IP.
4. It has popular connection protocol such as TCP, HTTP, SSL etc, which can be used to unblock restrictions by your internet service providers.