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How can I set my jxploit VPN for Glo free browsing

How can I set my jxploit VPN for Glo free browsing

Here is the screen Shot settings for glo free browsing using jxploit vpn for your Android Device.


First download the App and set yours as follows

For those people that want to download d app
Just click HERE

jxploit VPN

Istal and follow this procedure
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How can I set my jxploit VPN for Glo free browsing


How send automated Whatsapp messages using Tasker

whatsapp saves messages in to a database file, with these tasker tasks, we write directly into the database with a shell command and the sqlite binary (in this case the one that comes with titanium backup, many other apps have the same binary included). the tasker task kills whatsapp so it will restart and reload the database, it will find a new entry and send the new message

For a long time, I was looking the way to send automated Whatsapp messages using Tasker. Some days ago, I read a blog with the steps to run a Python Script (on Linux), and gave me the idea to test it on my HTC One using SL4A

so here is how to do it.

How can I set my jxploit VPN for Glo free browsing

Credit goes To  BoxBunny and The Applygist Team

I’m using a new method to send Whatsapp messages with tasker ..

You only need:
2) Sqlite
3) Tasker



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